Grunge and the C.I.A.
As I’ve said elsewhere, it’s been about ten years since I’ve read a book about anything “grunge” related, even though they continue to be published. This is largely because of the frustration in seeing how the focus is controlled, same stories rehashed, and important areas left unexplored.
Part of the mystery for me has been, why some things and people are left out of historical studies (which is basically what books about 1980s and 1990s music are).
Backing up a bit – during 2014, including the week I was abducted and held, and for months afterward, in my medical records, off and on, there is this statement made basically amounting to me alleging that the reason I said I was being stalked and harassed was because “I’d exposed them” with my article (Introducing Napalm Beach). What actually was going on was, occasionally I’d be asked why I thought I was being harassed, and by whom, and I told them that my best guess was it had something to do with the things I’d been writing. In fact I didn’t stop writing after Introducing Napalm Beach, but continued to try to tear down the facade of falsehoods brick by brick with the best information I had available to me at the time, something that is difficult to do when everyone around you is lying and misdirecting. It was in the course of doing that that I received threatening comments on my blog, immediately followed by one thwarted abduction attempt, and the following week, a successful abduction. The January 27, 2014 abduction was successful because unbeknownst to me, people around me, people I’d known my whole life, had all been absorbed into Team Sub Pop going back to the 1980s. So when I began to discover the extent of the crimes that Sub Pop has been involved in – again, with the full support of the larger entertainment industry and possibly the federal government – I sought shelter from one of my oldest and most trusted family friends, and when police arrived at the door, they let them in and allowed them to take custody of me without cause.
In fact, I now think that that whole affair was less about what I’d already published and more about them being concerned that I would discover more of what has been going on. I feel like there’s still a lot to uncover, or at least to support with evidence. What I can see is that there is an occult murder system at work. What’s less clear is how all the parts of it work together, especially with regards to the participation of the FBI/CIA.
The place were I was held in January 2014 was a hospital repurposed into a black site, and set up to be so absurd that for me to tell the story would seem to enforce the idea that I was out of my mind at the time.
So a question one has to ask is, primogeniture aside, was my rinky dink little blog worth all of that? Maybe so, and possibly because what I was really focused on was decoding language. But another thing that was going on, that I recently realized, is the whole revealing thing I was doing was in and of itself a type of set up. What was behind that may have had to do with setting up Chris’ murder (and make no mistake – I and my daughter are also both in the crosshairs). The murders are linked to a system of financial rewards and professional advancement.
Back to grunge.
Grunge seems to have been a manufactured phenomenon, with much of the ingredients coming from Chris’ highly surveilled life and art, but if I think about it – I’d say some of it came from me, too. With Chris, however, it’s easier to prove.
In that it was manufactured, what it looks like to me is that it was planned out in tandem with a control scheme around Chris and me, but again, focused more on Chris, as he is the one who was more of a threat musically, and also because of the nature of the primogeniture at work where the male heir is valued as someone with agency compared to the female, who they seem to see as a sex toy to be used, abused, and discarded. Apparently, by “they” in this case, I’m talking about the FBI and CIA. Both Chris and I (and many others) were/are subjects of medical malfeasance and nonconsensual human subjects research with little concern for our health or quality of life, or simply with the intent to harm us. I wish these things weren’t true, but they are.
Grunge was manufactured according to a recipe that had been perfected over the years with a variety of other organic seeming movements including, I suspect, Beatlemania and the 1960s “flower power” movement. It is linked to CIA mind control research. That the CIA ran (actually, runs) mind control programs is not a baseless conspiracy theory, but established fact, except that even after the programs were exposed in the 1970s, they were still permitted to hide and misdirect about a lot of what they had been doing, and they were also permitted to protect academic institutions and others knowingly involved in the activities, and they were permitted to hide the cash flow, and they were also permitted to continue. They never stopped these programs. Maybe most importantly, they were permitted to hide their use of piezo-electrical biomedical implants and frequency based technologies which are used to control minds directly, and to create diseases like cancer. They do this in part by controlling focus – “yes, we admit, we were involved with L.S.D.”
Back to grunge.
The early Sub Pop bands were connected with certain businesses and establishments. These included college radio stations KAOS at Evergreen State College in Olympia (Pavitt, if not directly, through his connection to Calvin Johnson and K Records), and KCMU (later became KEXP) at University of Washington in Seattle (Poneman). Apparently Pavitt also had opened Fallout Records in 1983, before making Sub Pop his full time gig. Muzak was also a congregation point. Within this network – college radio, cassette zines, K Records, record stores – there was plenty of opportunity to make contact with aspiring young rockers, and to create and distribute media (zines, cassettes, records) – all of which would mesh nicely in the package of a record label.
There is a piece missing here for me, with regards to Chris and me. I know and can show solid evidence that not only have we been under surveillance, but that surveillance materials have been, and continue to be, distributed. Signs also point to packaging and remixing of surveillance data for the purpose of supporting a libelous pre-planned narrative. And signs further point to Sub Pop artists including Tad and Mudhoney being linked to this, and not only to this, but to the January 2014 abduction. I can tell that there is also a link to hospital malfeasance. What I’m missing is specifically how Sub Pop is linked to the FBI, CIA, and all of this medical and financial malfeasance.
Back to grunge.
What I intended to write about was another important center of the grunge narrative, but one of the ones that tends to be buried, presumably because it is too close to Chris, and that is The Vogue.