New York Times – what do they know and when do they know it?
As I’ve been writing these posts, I know, due to my, you know, psychic abilities that various entities and individuals are, somehow, somewhere where I can’t see, continuing with or accellerating/snowballing their FBI-facilitated libelous attacks. Dealing with this is a challenge, because I don’t get a lot of detail about what, though often names come to me. Dan Cuneeen. Louis Samora. Tobi Vail. Witchypoo. (It’s Op Anne Boleyn.)
I don’t like saying I’m going to do something and then not doing it, and I said I’d look at the New York Times between Cobain’s suicide and the discovery of his body and I predicted I’d find clues that New York Times writers already knew he was dead and were weighing in behind the scenes. So I did look, and I did see signs of this, but I also realize this is for my purposes, not the most productive way to spend my time. Mostly, I want to make the point that this goes on all the time. And for others who want to see the light, it’s useful to take something like Times Machine after a world-shaking event, especially something that has signs of being mind control linked, and looking back at the lead up, and seeing what you can see. This sort of thing goes back decades.
By way of summary, I was a bit surprised, or at least did not expect to see things that seemed like they might be links to the 9/11 attacks in this time period (4/6-4/9/1994). In retrospect it makes sense, because both the suicide of Cobain and the 9/11 attacks were earth-shaking events in their own way, and both were done with mind control technologies, as part of a larger strategy. I am not going to get into it too much here but one phrase I noticed repeated was “Giuliani’s cuts.” NYC WTC Twin Towers were designed by a Seattle-born Japanese American architect, so there are Seattle links.
Another thing I’ve noticed in news stories is, weird as it seems, names of reporters covering stories are sometimes significant.

April 6, 1994 – Stocks and Serbs surged, children played pilot in Aeroflot jet that crashed.