What happened to the Pacific Northwest Music Archives Facebook Group?
The Facebook group that I had been interacting with, writing about here, called Pacific Northwest Music Archives has made some changes. It’s no longer accessible to me, which means they likely blocked me, but more than that, it is no longer publicly accessible. So it’s possible that it’s still viewable to someone logged into Facebook who isn’t me. I’m curious, so I’m looking into it.
If they blocked me and changed the settings on the group, I wonder why. Was it because of my posts/comments on the site itself, or was it because of what I’ve been writing here? Or a little of both?
I have learned to be a bit tenacious because there is so much misdirecting and control of focus. When they say “there’s nothing to see here” I admit, it just makes me look harder.
Also, let’s step back for a moment – although the site is about music in general, the focus is on late 1980s and early 1990s grunge era. And the whole vibe of that is supposed to be not taking anything too seriously, and being rebel rock n’ rollers, etc. There’s a lot of tough guy posturing as in we rock really hard and so on. Yet this same group can’t tolerate a little bit of inconvenient truth?
Here’s what I’m seeing and trying to get across – this idea that music doesn’t really matter and this is just a do-your-own thing good time for everyone is patently false. To quote the Butthole Surfers in Pepper, “there’s big money on the line.” But more than that – look at what I’ve been talking about. I’ve made allegations of surveillance based sex trafficking, including involving children. I’ve made allegations of massive hospital malfeasance including child abuse, nonconsensual human subjects research, and murder. I’ve made allegations of intellectual property theft on a global scale, of a global conspiracy to cheat, rob, and murder a musician – or a group of musicians, and I’ve also alleged that this whole thing directly involves Sub Pop and the FBI.
And they’ve been telling me it’s no big deal.