Horseman’s Holiday
There are a lot of things I wanted to do with Chris – not just tour with our band, or make records with distribution so that they would actually sell – but have our own home with a garden, have enough money to do things a lot of people take for granted, travel, etc. There are a lot of things he wanted to do. He wanted to go back and visit San Francisco in good health, and New Orleans where he’d lived as a child. He wanted to see places he’d seen in movies, like Las Vegas. He was fun to travel with. We had some good time traveling back and forth to pick up and drop off my daughter, staying in flea bag motels, but it would have been nice to have an actual vacation and eat at a nice restaurant and stay at a nice hotel. So when I found out how much money was potentially owed to him – back in 2014 – both of us had hope at first. Because we thought the world worked as advertised, and we could make some of these dreams come true.
Chris loved the idea of being fit, swimming, surfing – loved surf movies. In all his years on earth never rode a horse, and it was something he wanted to try. That’s something I kept thinking about, and it became crushing when I realized he was going to die and I couldn’t make these kinds of things happen for him.
Horseman’s Holiday is a song he wrote, recorded, and mixed himself at home (8 track I think) in 2017.