James Burdyshaw quote followed by Everett True’s commentary
From Nirvana: The True Story (2006) p 80 – with my own commentary following

Coming back to this quote that caused all the ruckus, a few things stand out to me. Did Burdyshaw even ever see Nirvana perform? All the things he says contradict each other so much that it seems entirely possible the whole thing is made up. Why is it so important to put him in a book?
There’s a footnote here, number 22, the number of the Fool. The footnote reads “James is exactly describing “sifting here -which is very Melvins.”
Afraid to grade
Wouldn’t it be fun?
Cross, self-loss
Wouldn’t it be fun?
Wet your bed
Wouldn’t it be fun?
Some felt numb
Wouldn’t it be fun?
Your eyes
Teacher said
Your eyes
Teacher said
Your eyes
Teacher said
Preacher said
Don’t have nothing for you
Don’t have nothing for you
Don’t have nothing for you
Don’t have nothing for you
Don’t have nothing for you
Don’t have nothing for you
Don’t have nothing for you
Spell the smell
Wouldn’t it be fun?
Search for a church
Wouldn’t it be fun?
Wet your bed
Wouldn’t it be fun?
Cold and coals
Wouldn’t it be fun?
Your eyes
Teacher said
Your eyes
Teacher said
Your eyes
Preacher said
The Preacher said
Don’t have nothing for you (etc)
A few things stand out about Sifting – first – I don’t exactly understand the title. Initially I didn’t understand anything much about Nirvana lyrics but over time I started to understand them pretty well. Maybe this has to do with sifting through something, looking for something. Maybe this song is about trying to present this atrocity like it’s a game or a puzzle to figure out, as has been done to us – Chris never would have any of it, and he was smart in that regard. I was caught in that trap for a while. Wet the bed seems like a link to Snow Bud song “Uppers Downers Inners Outers” with the line about “bed wetters.” Bladder control/loss of bladder control is done with biomedical implants. Part of what they do is try to humiliate and traumatize and give people the sense of loss of control.
In Charles Cross’ book, Heavier Than Heaven, Burdyshaw isn’t mentioned, but Cat Butt is, in that apparently in 1989 (and it must have been June 10, 1989) Nirvana stepped in as a last minute replacement for Cat Butt in Portland. I looked this up, and it was at Blue Gallery, and it sounds like it was a difficult show because the only people there were there to see Cat Butt and were basically a hostile audience. It makes me wonder why Cat Butt suddenly didn’t play, and why Nirvana was asked to step in. And I will say, that what I feel right now, is that Monica Nelson was in league with Burdyshaw, and they were in league with Courtney Love, and there was a lift off/take down plan for Nirvana, and this all had to do with global finance.
In Chris and my situation, people often want to have some kind of contact with us, apparently because even the most superficial interaction allows them to create these false FBI reports which are then used to justify biomedical attacks, torture, and even assassination by FBI/CIA. Maybe that’s what was going on.