Whitey Bulger (part 1) Boots
This morning I woke about 3am with the sense of having to write more about Rozz Rezabek, and realizing as I did so that Rozz is a link between a lot of other entities, including hospital systems, and music scenes in Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. After publishing that entry I fell asleep and started to have nebulous but consistent dreams about bikers, specifically Gypsy Jokers, and Irish-American gangster Whitey Bulger. As I woke up, the name Whitey Bulger came to me again and again, and this idea that both Gypsy Jokers and Whitey Bulger are linked to “FBI files.” I think that what this means is they’re linked both to the financing and the scripting of these reports.
So when I woke up, I looked up Whitey Bulger on Wikipedia, and then I watched the 2014 film Whitey: United States of America v. James J. Bulger (Bulger was murdered in Hazelton prison in West Virginia in 2018 – Hazelton is also a Humboldt County linked name found in Chris’ maternal family tree – matches like these are part of the prevailing pattern). I don’t really like writing about stuff without really studying it and understanding it first but time is of the essence so I’ll have to put down what I figured out and accept that corroborating evidence will come over time, or alternatively, conflicting evidence will come and I will modify my story. But like I’ve said, most of what’s going on is not secret known to a select few people, but widely known among a number of people at least within certain professions, and covered up, but alluded to between the lines.
I pretty quickly saw that Whitey Bulger – who seems to have been called Jim by people who knew him, is a missing link in this story. Apparently one of his nicknames was Boots. He led the Winter Hill Gang and was associated with Southie, or South Boston. These facts alone open up all kinds of connections, for example to the Ray Donovan series where a Southie family works as “fixers” in Los Angeles, and to Mark Lanegan’s “Stitch It Up” video, which itself links out in a number of directions. What I’m starting to see is a web that extends, apparently from Boston? – through Minneapolis, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle.
As I began to research Whitey “Boots” Bulger, I remembered that in late 1987 for an English assignment I’d written a profile/biography of Mike Payne, and that he had told me a story of how after his mother had split with his bio-dad (Archer) in the 1960s, they had moved from Irving (Dallas) to Kansas City (There’s another potential connection to Tom Harrison who according to whitepages.com is linked both to Missouri and Irving) to Foster City to Sausalito (divorced in June 1968) to Sonoma County (remarried August 1969) first to Rincon Valley (Santa Rosa) and then to Kenwood (also Santa Rosa). Sausalito is in Marin County, a fairly upscale part of the Bay Area, North of San Francisco, where Santa Rosa is Sonoma County, which is a bit more backwoods (even more so back then) and is the location of the Bohemian Grove. Mike’s stories to me over the years included locations around the Bohemian Grove, though he never mentioned that place specifically. I mention it here because I know it’s in the background of this saga. And basically, what happens when you start entering into the California side of this story, is all kinds of occult stuff starts to appear. It’s hard to put together how California hippie occult activities are linked to the US federal government (even global leadership) and to Irish gangs in Southie, but I’m pretty sure the connecting fiber is CIA Project MK ULTRA which is in and of itself difficult to write about because there continues to be so much cover up around it, and repeated falsehoods and misdirecting from reliable seeming sources, promulgated through mainstream media. But if you veer off of mainstream media, into the internet backwoods, you just get into a different type of disinformation. So it’s something I have to put together, again, with patterns and evidence-based research, and maybe in that sense I’m in a unique position because I seem to have been immersed in this without ever having joined any clubs or taken any oaths around it.
Back to Sonoma County circa 1969 – Mike told me that in – I think this was Rincon Valley – they lived across the street from a biker gang house, specifically a Misfits house. He said that they were rivals of Hell’s Angels. He told me that they loaned his mother their biker boots for Halloween “so she could dress up” and that his mom would let the Misfits watch Mike and his two brothers. “We’d sit on their lawn (never mowed) drinking 7-up while they messed with their motorcycles.” One of the bikers, called Mr Buddy crashed his motorcycle. That was Mike’s Misfits story, as told to me in late 1987.
Misfits jackets seem to have a similar design to Gypsy Jokers.
In 2006 I was – I guess you would call it honey trapped, but in the sense of a “best friend” rather than lover – by a woman in Portland who at the time was working as a receptionist for an attorney who she once mentioned represented a lot of Gypsy Jokers in court cases. At one point I was reading an autobiography of a famous San Francisco attorney named Melvin Belli and she mentioned to me that one of the attorneys she worked for had known Belli and would be interested in talking to me about him some day (that never happened). This suggests to me that the Portland law office where she was working may have had some links to the SF Bay Area.
So “boots” is something that links.
By the way, being as we’re on this topic, Melvin Belli’s autobiography, My Life on Trial, published in 1976 has something in common* with Courtney Love’s mother, Linda Carroll’s autobiography Her Mother’s Daughter published 2006, and that is in each of these novels there is a story related about dream premonitions of someone’s death, either shortly before that person dies (Belli), or almost at the moment of death (Carroll). In one case the death is in a car crash (Carroll) and in the other it is something medical I think, a heart attack or stroke (Belli). This is important. It’s not magic, it’s not exactly psychic ability. It’s frequency-based telepathy and those deaths are murders.
*sorry, but I cannot cite the exact pages in the books where these occur because I don’t have the books in my possession. I will say that I read these books before I knew about this technology, but after I’d already (unfortunately) had similar kinds of premonitions.