Chris Chalenor
Chris Chalenor was a colorist for Dark Horse comics. According to, “he colored several comic books in Dark Horse Comics’ Aliens, Predator and Aliens vs. Predator lines” and “provided original artwork for the Batman versus Predator trading cards” ( Chalenor was born December 10, 1963 and died in 2001 at the age of 37. What I was told is that he committed suicide after having been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
I first arrived in Portland in late 2000 and I never met Chalenor. However it seems he was among the crowd who frequented Satyricon in the 80s and 90s. When I began working with David Ackerman on his Satyricon photo archive in 2006, he would sometimes point out people in the club. Chris Chalenor was in a photo from the January 6, 1989 Nirvana and Mudhoney photoset. This roll was mostly photos of Mudhoney and Nirvana, with a few photos of people in the crowd. No photos on the roll, that I can recall, of Inner Anger performing, though a photo of Courtney Love shows her posing in front of their set list. I have the sense that the band name Inner Anger is a nod to occultist filmmaker Kenneth Anger and that he was (maybe still is) a channel for financing false reports to the FBI. Satyricon had a playground funhouse feel but seems to have been a magnet for occultists.
Here is the photo of Chris Chalenor at the Mudhoney/Nirvana/Inner Anger show (no one has ever identified, to me, the women in the photo)

So I saw this photo in 2007, and David pointed out Chalenor, telling me that he’d been a comic book artist who had died young. Chalenor came to my awareness again probably around 2010 after Chris and I were together and I was trying to cobble together lost media archives from Chris’ past. One of the things I acquired was a DVD of a 1986 film (a video, actually) made by Neo Boys drummer and K Records associate Pat Baum. (I also, for what it’s worth, had a scan of flyer for the film, which described Chris’ music as “grunge.” That seems to have vanished.) Actually, it’s unclear if the video was completed in 86 or 87 – Chris was pretty certain it was released in 1986, but credits in the video say 1987. The full video which was on one of my many blown out media devices, was about 30 minutes long and contained a relatively lengthy section where Chalenor said a lot of very nice things about Chris Newman as a musician and artist.
Although I’d noticed a disturbingly high number of cancer diagnoses and deaths in Portland, it wasn’t until 2018 that I began to understand that people were literally being murdered with cancer induced by frequency weapons, including UHF frequencies from television towers, aimed at covertly placed piezo electrical biomedical implants, and also including weapons linked to the network of drones which is very obviously overhead at all times.

A question I have – having just posted these images from the Big Time music video – I remember in this Pat Baum film, Chalenor wearing an outfit similar to the one you see in the middle image, in front of the close of of television snow – but I can’t be sure because I no longer have the whole video. He wouldn’t have had a bow tie but he may have been wearing white, black, and burgundy.
Holla ‘cross from the land of the lost
Wu Tang Clan – Gravel Pit – 2000
Behold the pale horse, off course