Matches: Tom Peterson watch, Cobain’s suicide shirt

The man’s face on Cobain’s watch, and on Ivan French’s banner above, is Tom Peterson.
Something I notice now, every time I see this image from Cobain’s suicide, is that when Chris was sent home from the hospital in January 2021, after his terminal cancer diagnosis, he arrived wearing a hospital gown with a pattern very similar to Cobain’s suicide shirt. On August 1, 2021, about three months after Chris died I was having such a terrible time with pain in the teeth to either side of the tooth 14 extraction site, I went to an emergency dentist. As I was walking to the dentist’s office from the bus stop, I saw a hospital gown with a pattern identical to the gown Chris had been wearing thrown into a pile of dirt near a highway overpass, along with a bunch of trash including food containers, masks, syringes, and a ripped up copy of Alcoholics Anonymous “Big Book”

August 1, 2021
Compare to this image from Peter Gabriel’s 1987 music video for Big Time

See also: Matches: Live Through This (Sept 7 2022)
and A momentary reflection on the narrative and my research to date (Sept 7 2022)