A momentary reflection on the narrative and my research to date
Contrary to the narrative pushed so hard by nearly every medical provider and law enforcement officer I’ve had to interact with over the past decade or more, I don’t possess a set of “fixed beliefs” (delusional or otherwise). In fact, I’ve spent my whole life involved in developing research abilities. It’s the only way I’ve ever managed to achieve anything. I definitely did not have someone telling me what to do and handing out favors as a reward for obedience, not to mention malfeasance, thank God. I would find it very difficult to live with myself, were this true.
I backed off of writing about Chris’ history while he was alive because he was experiencing social and psychological pressure from family members and from trusted members of the community that he believed supported him, and this pressure made him uncomfortable. He didn’t like disapproval. The biomedical mind control technology in use seems to be really good at controlling certain things, and that includes “obsessive” or habitual behaviors (including those linked to addiction – but also things like training, guitar practice, etc) – and it includes pattern recognition. Chris was able to listen to a song once, hear the instrumentation and chords, and instantly play it on guitar – but he was literally unable to recognize what to me were very obvious patterns of unusual phenomena or malfeasance. When we came into conflict over these things he tended to get triggered and to revert to black and white thinking. He couldn’t see the reality of the situation. I don’t think the damage done by so many people promulgating and refusing to let go of a lie of this magnitude can be overstated. It is a big lie made up of millions of “little” lies.
Since I’ve come back to the project, there is a bit more information available, and certain things are coming increasingly into focus, and that includes that not only was I correct about Chris’ music being deliberately buried by what can accurately be called a well-financed global conspiracy – and this is increasingly supported by evidence – but that there were actually a number of people in our orbits who were targeted for destruction, and some of them, like Kurt Cobain, Elliott Smith, and Bret Bowman, were particularly significant.
At this point in the process, I have lots of information about Bret Bowman, and I know that there are links to Sub Pop. I have an increasingly solid grasp about Kurt Cobain, and Elliott Smith is coming into focus. With Kurt Cobain, there also seems to be a solid link to malfeasance by Sub Pop. With Elliott Smith, there may be a malfeasance link to Jackpot and Kill Rock Stars, but there also is a link between Elliott Smith and Sub Pop as well, in the form of a band called Crackerbash, and specifically founding member Sean Croghan.
Boo Frog’s drummer Doug Naish was also an original member of Crackerbash. His brother, Brad Naish, had played drums with the Wipers. Doug played with Chris from 2012 until the pandemic shuttered live music. Chris liked Doug’s reliability, his willingness to follow Chris’ musical direction, that he would help Chris with moving equipment, and the fact that he had a van. But it is clear to me that Doug was always deceptive and his intent was always destructive. He readily took part in a plot to destroy Boo Frog and to set Chris up in a situation where he could be manipulated and controlled.
After Chris died, Doug tried to keep his amplifier.