June 1989 Backlash showing Napalm Beach with Simon Simoncini
I got a package from Germany. It was a rock magazine, it looked similar to SPIN. It was called SPEX, and inside were three one hundred dollar bills. They told me the reels of master tape Tom Robison had sent were now vinyl albums on L.S.D. – Loves Simple Dreams Records – in Berlin. The music critics voted it into the top ten albums of the year. Napalm Beach – MOVING TO AND FRO.
Wow! Henk Van Drummel had been a door man at Satyricon. He had a visa while doing the forign exchange student thing. I had signed a Teen Dream album for Henk one night at the bar. It mentioned, “I hope we get to Germany someday.” Henk and his girl Heike made that dream come true.
It was so fucking amazing. We were going to tour Europe in Novermber and half of December of 1989. We all three had been dabbling with cocaine and heroin for far too long. We knew we had to prepare for kicking our drug habits.
We had to find a new bass player. Simon (Simoncini) had left for good this time. He left on July 4th, 1989. He is still clean and sober today. I loved playing music with Simon. He was younger and very good looking. A sweet funny guy, that loved to get loaded. We shot so many speedballs. We got scared sometimes doing massive injections of cocaine. We all saw people having coke seziures. They can’t remember their own name. Cocaine was the scary part of the speedball cocktail. It overpowered the heroin at first, but it always won over after the cocaine fades away quickly. That’s part of the reason addicts keep reaching for the coke rush.
Sam and I tried a few bass players out, but they had to have the outlaw image. they had to be able to play good enough to hold down mine and Sam’s on stage onslaught of Rock! There he was, all 6’6″. Too-tall Dave Dillinger. He was pretty new in town. He was from L.A., twenty one, and he knew his music. He played a little drums, and guitar too. Bass was his forté. He had a solid simple style that suited Sam’s busy drumming style, and gave me something solid to build chord structures around. My soloing sounded fuller with solid bass support.
Sam had been getting more and more into his drugs. He was really bummed when his girlfriend Debbie left him. My girl Nancy also left that same weekend. Napalm Beach were booked to play at the Central in Seattle. We had no bass player, so Sam played bass, and this guy Dave Meyers, played drums. Sam and I were so fucked up, shooting speedballs the whole way. Dave Meyers drove his van and the equipment with his buddy Jim Micheals riding up front. Jim was new at it, and kept turning around because he was jonesin’ watching us shoot up the whole three hour ride.
Needless to say, we sucked shit. I can’t believe we called that desecration of music Napalm Beach. Seattle band guys were there, like Mark Arm of Mudhoney and Lee Conner of Screaming Trees.
Sam and I went on the stairwell after a couple of songs and shot more dope. I could not stand up with out holding on to the mic stand. How was I supposed to play guitar? My god that sucked shit!
I wrote,”She Moved Away” after that.
Sam was impossible most of the time at that point. I was hating working with him, and dreaded having to buy any dope from him.
Dave Dillinger’s first gig was a tense one. The Satyricon was packed, we went on last. Sam still is not present. We set up his drums, we are standing on stage waiting, tuning. It’s getting close to 2:00AM and they close at 2:30 in Oregon. Sam walks up and immediately starts complaing about how his drums were set up wrong. I screamed,”YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE!” He threw his beer in my face. I stood there fuming, humiliated, beer dripping down my face on to my guitar. Jan, transfixed on the side of the stage, showed his worry. “Do I have to take this?”, I pleaded. Jan nodded his head.
The crowd watched in awe as we went into a more menacing version of MONSTER than ever before. I improvised the lyrics to fit the impending doom. We made it through the set, and went our seperate ways.
This was too big to fuck up. I had one little side trip to take, before that jet airliner took us to Europe.
18 March 1989 journal entry compare to lyrics / video for Smashing Pumpkins 1995 “Bullet with Butterfly Wings” March 1989 journal entry, drawing of a black sun
In the previous entry, I wrote about some of the set ups that were going on in 1989 and I showed a journal entry about a dream from March 13, 1989. I said that I thought these two entries seemed to link to two songs that came out in the 1990s: Bullet With Butterfly Wings by Smashing Pumpkins (October 16, 1995); and Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden (May 13, 1994)
So both of these songs came out shortly after the death of Kurt Cobain, and shortly before Chris Newman ended up living on the streets.
The songs are, I believe, about the desire for truth to be squashed by lies. Specifically, it’s about enacting a strategy of slander, and violent acts to “fix” or get away with other crimes linked to finance and violence, including sex trafficking, nonconsensual human subjects research, murder.
Because Chris and I represent the place of the sun, Black Hole Sun must be specifically about turning the sun into a hole, imagery used to indicate murder. (Often it sounds like the actual lyric is “black old sun.”)
The strategy is to create a false profile via a series of set ups, cover ups, lies, and piles of libelous paperwork inaccessible to us. Some of the paperwork I have been able to access, and that would be the falsified, colorized, and libelous medical records. This is used as justification for covert biomedical torture and murder by the FBI and CIA. This is why there are clusters of premature deaths of certain types in certain communities.
The reason people are dying is because the US government is allowing the FBI and CIA to finance and conduct this activity.
Got a uncle name George Horny motherfucker always down to orge Freaky motherfucker wanna Georgie Porg’ Treat a big booty like a smorgasbord Freaks on the floor, freaks on the floor How many of y’all freaks on the low? Freaks on the floor, freaks on the floor How many of y’all freaks on the low?
Ice Cube, New Funkadelic (Everythang’s Corrupt 2018)
Something that is increasingly clear is that a number of people linked to the Sub Pop orbit have been directly involved in obtaining and distributing surveillance footage of a pornographic nature of me, Chris, and my daughter, including when my daughter was a child.
It’s also increasingly clear that Sub Pop’s plans for world domination were well underway by the mid-1980s, and that, true to their name, they included a lot of underground shenanigans. The name Sub Pop evolved from Subterranean Pop. While both “Sub” and “Pop” could have a number of meanings, one meaning of “pop” is a father (dad). So one translation of Sub Pop may be “underground dad.” I believe that “dad” is code for FBI and CIA. (This might help explain “infrared riding hood” Tad?)
Finally, it is clear that ex-honeytrap Mike may be a linking person between my daughter’s family in northwestern California and Sub Pop. It is important to remember that when Mike and I started going out in July 1984 I was barely 16 and he was 21.
So if we rewind back to 1988, that is the year a lot of pieces were falling into place for Sub Pop. Meanwhile, in my world, Mike was in Thailand in February 1988, I think doing deals for a silver jewelry importer he worked for at the time, called Tomás Jewelry. Then Mike returned to the US, and flew to Minnesota where he lived with me. We lived in the St Paul Midway district between June and November 1988 when Mike announced that he was tired of Minnesota and didn’t want to deal with winter, so he would go back to California. I was in college and couldn’t really follow him. We had already had a long distance relationship in the past so it didn’t seem that weird to me to revert back to that.
But something else happened that summer. That was the summer my friend and neighbor, Bret Ellis Bowman was hit by a car. That happened on June 27, 1988. For a number of reasons I believe that situation is also somehow linked to the origin of Sub Pop, something that I expect will come up again.
What I didn’t know is that when Mike Payne left Minneapolis/St Paul in November 1988, is I was about to become the target of a series of set ups involving more honey traps (multiple honey traps it looks like now), and LSD.
The LSD seems to have been connected to San Francisco, and may have even been connected to Courtney Love, or to Courtney Love and Mike Payne. This reminds me also, there are two SF Bay Area linked Mikes in this – Mike Payne and Mike Patton – but as far as I know, Mike Patton wasn’t anywhere around Minneapolis.
Anyway, apparently Courtney Love was in Minneapolis about this time, and that fact seems to be something that was pretty well covered up until recently – specifically, exactly when Courtney Love was in Minneapolis used to be obscured, but it now appears it was 1988.
Another thing about this is Courtney Love, when she was in Minneapolis, was apparently a pal of a person I considered my best friend at the time, Erika Schlaeger. That makes Erika Schlaeger a potential linking person between Mike Payne and Courtney Love, as she knew both of them. In fact, Mike, who had been studying jewelry and metal smithing, had made a silver ring with an onyx stone, square shaped or cabachon style, that in 1988 Erika had purchased from him for $80 – that looked similar to a ring worn by Kurt Cobain in the March 1994 photo session with Youri Lenquette.
So Courtney and Erika were pals, according to Erika, but I never met Courtney.
According to my memory, journals, etc the post 1988 set ups sort of went in this order:
Honeytrap Andrew Lopas “street poet from Los Angeles” – March 1989 set up – The set up with Andrew Lopas I now realize appeared in rather precise detail in dreams going back to early 1988 – in those dreams he was described as being a combination of “Pete Townshend” and a few other people. This is I think because part of his job was to put down my musical ability and psychologically smash my guitar. Erika S introduced me to Andrew L.
Encountering Owsley “Sunshine” blotter-style LSD at a party. The party was held by a girl who knew Andrew Lopas. I remember at this party she was dressed all in metallic silver. Like, wearing a metallic silver dress. Erika introduced me to the guy with the LSD. Before it happened, I had a dream about eating “bubblegum LSD” and asking if it was “diluted” (word play, I think – diluted/deluded – hinting at this plan to frame me as delusional).
Teenage honeytrap “George.” This seems like something I need to address again?
When my relationship with Mike fell apart I went into a spiral of sorts. Conveniently, I had also just turned 21, so I drank a lot and had a couple of gross sexual encounters. They were with guys my age. I also had platonic guy friends who were drinking buddies, including a guy who shows up in my journals as Paul Stein (I guess it’s his real name). On March 13, 1989 – exactly 20 years before I got together with Chris – I recorded a dream.
There is a lot going on in this dream. Plus the dream symbols from this time usually seem to have about three different meanings. I’m talking about dreaming in code, not symbols. The looping snake drawing after the dream was just something I did because I was into things like yin/yang and Carl Jung and stuff. Looking at it now, I suppose people who were all up in my business (reading my journals) made it into something sexual, and something racial.
I don’t remember the man from Africa I mention meeting (in real life). The part about the car door among other things is a link to how my future daughter’s paternal grandmother died in 1968 – the story was that she fell out of a moving car, because she leaned up against a door. But this is probably also about all the set ups and planned defamation and the idea of us trying to get out of a trap and people linked to cars (finance) using these stories to try and get us killed by the FBI/CIA – who are the ones who instigated the set ups to begin with.
Regarding “ripped jeans” – I now think anything with the word “rip” is a coded death reference, and I think others know the meaning of jeans better than I – it’s about financing someone, linked to the color blue – so that suggests reporting stories to the FBI for money, and probably specifically manufacturing untrue stories for dirty money. It’s deliberately deadly, illegal, and treated as a game.
I say that in the dream, I had forgotten my fake ID. I had this dream just before my 21st birthday. I had an older girl’s ID that I sometimes used to get into bars. But Chris’ early 1980s band the Untouchables had a song called Fake I.D. (I don’t think I’ve ever heard it) and the idea of Chris being evoked in this dream is really interesting because he had once said that Tim Brook’s of the Blue Gallery put the Satyricon “ripped jeans” crowd down – and they also started calling Chris’ bands “bar bands” as an insult.
The man I’m flirting with in this dream is an adult, probably older than me.
A couple pages later, there’s an entry that looks like it’s the inspiration for Smashing Pumpkins song “Bullet With Butterfly Wings,” and 3-4 pages after that is an entry that looks like an inspiration for Soundgarden’s “Black Hole Sun.” (I’ll post these later.)
During this period of time, my friend Erika Schlaeger was sometimes hanging around with a fifteen year old black boy who I call George in my journals. I don’t remember if that’s his real name. It’s probably made up. By this time I was living with a roommate in Dinkeytown, Minneapolis. There was a neighborhood coffee shop called Gioccos where we would hang out, drinking coffee. That’s where I would see Erika with George. It seems like he was homeless, couch surfing. Maybe she was letting him stay with her.
So he was 15 and I was 20 when I met him, I think, and mostly I just saw him with Erika at Giocco’s. The last time I saw him is the time I wrote about in my journal, when I was 21. From the very beginning, George was overtly flirtatious with me, acting like he was in love with me and wanted to be my boyfriend. I never took it seriously. To me he was a boy (not a grown man).
One day I ran into him at Giocco’s and then we took a walk to the river, and I wrote about it in my journal, as far as I can remember, pretty much exactly like it happened. It was nothing sexual. He kissed me on the cheek and that was the last time I saw him.
It sounds like the way the journal entries stack up, that the black man in the dream from 3/13/1988 was supposed to link to George. Based on some of the references in that dream, it appears that there may be some kind of link between “George” and Sub Pop. With all of his scars, George bore the signs of a “butterfly” – a person who’s trauma is leveraged and weaponized, covertly, via techniques in use by FBI and CIA. The dream that seems to link to George has references that I would now call “smashing guitar” references, which have to do with ways that people tried to sabotage Chris’ and my ability to play music, including by trying to break our spirits. That’s part of the “ripped jeans” reference. There are things about the way this stacks up, also, that suggest links between George and Andrew Lopas – the idea of a person who is a combination of other entities. Andrew Lopas, George, and Courtney Love were all linked to Erika Schlaeger. Erika also knew Kat Bjelland and all the girls in Babes In Toyland. So that means that Erika Schlaeger knew at least two people who had been friends of Chris in Portland – Courtney Love and Kat Bjelland.
With regards to the song references (I’ll put those journals in a subsequent entry) – Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden and Bullet With Butterfly Wings by Smashing Pumpkins – it looks like a reference to Courtney Love (Hole) and maybe that Sunshine LSD. And there’s the word “black” and the word “pain” which I think, at least in this time period, is always a play on Payne. Chris had a heroin dealer named Scotty Payne, who died, I don’t know how, around 2017. A question I have is how does Smashing Pumpkins show up in this part of the tapestry. In fact, a question I have is how and when did Courtney Love meet Billy Corgan? I guess Smashing Pumpkins are from Chicago and there is a lot of interchange between Chicago and Minneapolis so it might have been that.
It looks like I have mentioned the hijacking of my car’s electrical system via infra red devices in January 2014, but it doesn’t look like I’ve given details about what it looked like or why I decided it was an infra red system.
There are a number of reasons why this is difficult for me to get into. The obvious one is I’m trying to describe my experience of being attacked with what appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a covert type of weapons system. A big point of confusion is how so many non-government people seem to know about these technologies, for example truckers and musicians. Is this technology classified and if so, do these guys have clearances? Or is it not actually classified but yet somehow still secret, protected by something more like omertá? Along with this, for years I’ve wondered who is behind it. Is it an organized crime group, like the Mafia? Or is it a secret government operation, like FBI and/or CIA? Or is it a combination of both?
Along with this comes a trap – as a preemptive strike, my medical history and medical records have been manipulated to make it seem like I’m mentally incapacitated. Therefore, if I tell a story that seems unusual, the idea is that everything is easily dismissed as the ravings of a female lunatic (a lunachick, if you will). That obviously has a chilling effect on my storytelling – and of course, that’s the intent: either stop me from talking, or make it so that my speaking the truth becomes a hazard to me.
Over time it became clear that I have to continue to try to tell the truth and support it with evidence, as I’m doing now.
Another problem is there are a lot of interconnected parts and involved entities, and I now know, a much bigger multi-part plan (a conspiracy, if you will) – so when I tell the story, where do I start and where to I stop? For example, one of the parts of this story involved a deliberate take down of our band, Boo Frog. I will save that out as a separate story, but I will say that signs point to Chris’ trusted band mates, Doug Naish (Boo Frog) and Nathan Jorg (Snow Bud and the Flower People) being linked into all of this as well – both the take down of Boo Frog and the Infra Red Truck attacks. This doesn’t mean that I believe they came up with the idea on their own. I think the idea to take down Boo Frog and chase me down as I was trying to contact an attorney filtered down to them through Sub Pop, and filtered down to Sub Pop through the entertainment industry worldwide. I saw signs of financing through investment banks like Vanguard Group which is the source of a lot of Disney money, for example.
So that’s the background. Here’s the basic facts, with the Boo Frog takedown story being saved for later.
Starting in the middle of a very long story, my plan was first to get out of Portland where I was experiencing mob stalking, computer hacking, and harassment, and sequester myself in a hotel room for a day where I would organize and back up my computer hard drive, then bring my computer and my story to an entertainment/music rights attorney in Sacramento (or possibly Los Angeles, I wasn’t yet certain) in order to evaluate what steps to take next. However, what happened is I continued to be openly stalked and menaced, and while I had stepped away (on foot) from my Anderson, California hotel room to get a meal, it was clear when I returned that the room had been entered and my items disrupted. There’s more to this story that I’ll leave for later, but I no longer felt safe in this hotel room. So I had the idea to go instead to another location, maybe another hotel, maybe the home of a family friend near Sacramento.
When I left the hotel room it was clear that my car had been entered, because it had been left unlocked (I never left it unlocked) and both the side mirrors and the rear view mirror had been cranked around to weird angles. The car, a 2003 Honda Civic, had a computer-chip type key. Again, there’s more story here I’m leaving out for now.
Of course it’s scary if you’re being menaced and then you find out your locked hotel room and your locked car have both been entered, because could they have also done something to the car? It turns out that yes they did.
I left this hotel on the afternoon of January 26, and I probably noticed fairly quickly that something was wrong with the car, because the acceleration was off. It didn’t accelerate as fast as normal, or I’d have to push down harder on the gas to make it go. I drove off, probably just as the sun was about to set, maybe around 5:30 pm. While I was on the highway I began to experience issues with the car’s electrical system. This included the dashboard lights, the heater, the stereo system, and on a particular bridge, the shocks. It soon became clear that these problems were linked to dozens of cars and trucks, including it seems all semi trucks that were on the road, which surrounded my car in a swarm-like formation. The cars were mostly or all new cars. The thing that stood out about these vehicles, other than them being new, was they had weird looking tail lights, or more specifically, they seemed to have some kind of laser like device that mimicked the appearance of a tail light positioned underneath the actual tail lights. This was true of both cars and trucks. I can’t remember when I concluded these were infra-red devices but it was probably later after I’d gotten home and done some research.
So I quickly figured out that if I were travelling behind one of these vehicles within a certain distance – maybe 50-60 feet – they could, and would affect my car’s system. I could avoid this by not driving behind one of these vehicles, or by finding a “normal” (non-infra-red equipped) vehicle to use as a block. However, there weren’t many of these normal vehicles on the road, or at least not in my vicinity. The infra red equipped vehicles were around me like a swarm.
Approximate shape, size, location of infrared devices on a truck.
Another thing going on at the same time is certain parts of the electrical grid were shut down around the freeway – by this I mean all the streetlights were off, the lights on the billboards were off, and the rest areas and truck stops were dark.
I was aware that under the circumstances, these vehicles had the ability to shut off my headlights on a dark stretch of highway, though fortunately that didn’t happen at that time. But clearly, driving wasn’t safe.
That’s the basics of what was going on. I didn’t know at the time who was behind this, or what the intent was.
In April 2019, Mark Lanegan published a song called “stitch it up.” In July 2019, while cleaning his nails Chris dropped his pocket knife onto his bare foot. The blade hit an artery point down, creating a blood fountain, and Chris nearly needed stitches. I knew at the time that this was a mind control incident. To my recollection there were a number of signs.
“Stitch It Up” the first verse:
The hounds are behind me Footsteps following You know you can’t find me I’m miles from the crime scene
the last verse:
The Beast walks next to me Infrared blinding Ropes can’t bind me Knife’s still inside me
This is important because it seems to link between infra red and medical malfeasance, and most interestingly – the music business. The incident with the knife was done with direct control of Chris’ brain and behavior via biomedical implants and frequency based technology. That something of this nature was being planned and was known to be planned by people in the community, and by musicians like Lanegan, is significant. When Chris dropped the knife, it pierced an artery. “The beast walks next to me” would seem to be a reference to a single by Jeffrey Lee Pierce – “Walking With The Beast” – which Chris had displayed near his book shelf. This also supports my statement of surveillance from inside our home being distributed into the world at large, especially the entertainment industry, because Lanegan was never in our home, and very few people were in the tiny studio apartment where we lived since 2014. Jeffery Lee Pierce (Gun Club) died of an aneurism in 1996, as did another contemporary Los Angeles musician, Paula Pierce (Pandoras) in 1991. Kurt Cobain wrote a song called “Aneurism” in 1991. Another likely link to all of this is Pierce County, Washington (Tacoma) just south of King County (Seattle).
One other thing I’ll mention though it’s slightly off topic is that the Nirvana song Aneurism was recorded at Del Mar Fairgrounds in Del Mar, California. My daughter had a cousin named Delmar who died, allegedly, of a heroin overdose 9/21/2002 at age 25, but based on patterns, I know he was murdered – possibly via aneurism. I now understand that lots of people know ahead of time not only who is on a list to be killed, but how they may be harmed or killed. I also now know there is a link between Sub Pop linked Seattle bands and my daughter’s paternal cousins, like Delmar, and his brother Redsky who died in 2006 at age 26, and their sister Stormy who died in a car crash in 2016 at age 33, and their Uncle Timmy who was “randomly” stabbed to death in a bar parking lot in 2017.
By now it’s clear to me beyond a reasonable doubt that Tad Doyle is, and has been, involved in all kinds of extremely nasty malfeasance going back probably to the 1980s. Is this partly why he left Idaho and moved to Seattle?
But more than that – the type of malfeasance to which Tad Doyle seems to be connected includes a LOT of what appears to be covert technologies – are these technologies CLASSIFIED or just covert? I have a lot of questions.
I’ve seen suggestions of Tad Doyle being involved include the 2014 sabotage of my car’s electrical system which involved infrared control mechanisms on other cars and trucks. This put me and later my father in a very dangerous situation, and led to my father crashing the car.
Now, I don’t think it was just Tad – I think it was Mudhoney too: Mark, Steve, and the rest. Was the label Sub Pop directly involved? What about Claudia Lemon?
This was all because I had detected something rotton with regards to Sub Pop and the sabotage of Chris’ music career, and I was trying to speak with a music rights attorney.
People from the TAD orbit have come into our lives on and off over the years. Barbara Beymer is someone who knew and pursued Chris. Kurt Danielson played on a bill with us, offered Chris crack. Post-Tad orbiters also included people connected to Screaming Trees/Valis.
There seems to be a link to medical malfeasance. Chris’ chronic medical conditions from obesity to asthma to addiction were actually manipulated through the piezo-electrical biomedical networks. Tad among others seems to have been aware of this (thus the double entendre of the album name “Inhaler” – asthma and cocaine)
How is it that musicians and/or a record label from Seattle are linked to and USING COVERT (CLASSIFIED????) WEAPONS TECHNOLOGIES ON OTHER MUSICIANS?
I seriously think I’m due an explanation that isn’t full of lies and counter-accusatory defamation.