Author: admin

Nature of the crime – a crime against nature

I just googled “how do you tell a story if you don’t have all the pieces” and all top hits said “show don’t tell.” I have to think about how.

What I’m stuck on at the moment are connections that appear to exist, are hard to pin down, and don’t make a lot of logical sense to me, but I think that the reason they don’t make sense to me is because of the nature of the cover up.

What I’m talking about specifically are the links between families who don’t appear to have anything to do with the music business, and the music business. But also this notion of “FBI files” and specifically “files” that 1. are not accessable via a Freedom of Information act request 2. are somehow widely known to exist 3. are used by the FBI/CIA as a justification for human rights violations and constitutional rights violations including false imprisonment, torture, and murder (they may call it “execution”) all without the due process and other protections that are supposed to be guaranteed by the US constitution.

This doesn’t make sense to me, but it’s one of those situations where you see some of it – and you basically know what you’re seeing – but you can’t believe your eyes. And the nature of it is so foreign to how you thought things work, you don’t know what to do with it.

But it gets worse. And for me, it gets even harder to believe, because I know that people we trusted our whole lives have been leveraging this system to murder friends and family members.

The evidence that I have for this is the bizarre responses I’ve gotten from so-called friends and family either when announcing something I thought would make them happy, but instead they say I’m crazy – or when I report something that should make them concerned for my welfare, Chris’ welfare, or my daughter’s welfare – or the welfare of others you would think they care about – and they either say I’m crazy or they get mad, or they ignore it completely – or when I show that there is an emergency, someone is being harmed and needs help – and they ignore me, or they say I’m crazy, or they acknowledge that a problem exists and then blame me for it.

This is not normal behavior.

At first I thought maybe everyone was responding this way out of fear, and so I didn’t pursue it, didn’t push it, didn’t want to put them on the spot. But I feel less and less that this is correct. I actually think the sitation lends itself to destroying normal levels of caution and self-protection through a number of psychological and other mind control techniques including direct frequency-based control of brains. People behave in ways that make them seem zombie-like – seemingly devoid of normal human emotion and behavior.

There is a conspiracy at work and it’s about human trafficking, theft, covert medical experiments, and profitable murders. It appears to be run by the FBI and CIA, and to that end FBI/CIA seem to be working closely with duplicitous and dangerous people around Chris, me, and my daughter. There is finance coming into this group from a number of different sources, and they seem to be accumulating and/or distributing cars and property (including homes and businesses). The financial interest seems to be in keeping the aforementioned criminal activity afloat, and to that end, there are many strategic murders going on. And the process for this seems to be that people around us are paid by a number of entities to tell lies or stories that cast us in a bad light, with the hopes that FBI/CIA will harm and murder us based on these stories.

FBI/CIA tie themselves up this way, because they are acting outside the law and what that means is it’s criminal behavior conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Intelligence Community. And they have to know the gravity of that. Crawling up the hierarchy – you end up at cabinet level positions. The Oval Office may head this situation, but it doesn’t seem to be specific to any given President.

I don’t think it’s possible this crime is running without full knowledge of the Executive. I just can’t understand how they – the US federal government and citizens of the US and the world – justify it in their minds.

The Vogue – 1980s Seattle

The Belltown dance-club scene got kick-started in 1977 with the founding of a gay bar called Tugs Belltown at 2207 1st Avenue. It featured a big dance floor, lots of fresh punk and New Wave music, and the occasional live band. Down the street another gay venue, Johnny’s Handlebar, followed Tugs’ lead in 1979 when it reemerged as Wrex, a video dance club that spun alternative and punk records. In 1980 Wrex booked the first of what would be countless live bands — Delta 5, Joan Jett, X, Grace Jones, Hüsker Dü, and Romeo Void all played here. In 1982 Wrex was shuttered and The Vogue opened in its place. Many of the best local bands performed at The Vogue, including Mudhoney and Alice in Chains, and it was the venue for Nirvana’s first well-attended Seattle show, on April 24, 1988.

Visible Targets at Wrex advertisement
Visible Targets at Wrex 1981

I have not been able to figure out what a “video dance club” is. There are a few clubs that have media systems nowadays – for example, Dante’s in Portland gets crowded and has a television system so you can see the band from different corners of the club. And then there’s The Voyeur in Olympia, which apparently makes videos (or at least potentially makes videos, or it did make videos) of any/every band that plays there. Not sure what happens to those videos, because I’ve never seen them appear anywhere online. Evergreen State College in general is media-oriented (as is Portland Community College) and this is a whole bag of worms – because I am by now basically certain that both of these colleges are links between the CIA and the larger entertainment industry, and to this end, a ton of funding is coming in to these places from various sources to literally do surveillance based sex trafficking and brutal mind control forced-cult activities like the ones that led me to file a Title IX complaint in 2017. A complaint that I believe was shut down by Seattle-linked financial sources.

But I digress.

I don’t know what a video dance club. The photo I have of Snow Bud playing at Vogue shows a television set behind them and – is it a screen? with a white pyramid shape above it.

Snow Bud at the Vogue

In Portland the Met (located where Dante’s is now) until 1982, and in Seattle the Wrex until 82 and then the Vogue all seem to have been gay clubs that also attracted the “new wave” or “new music” crowd. The characters from the Vogue who reappeared in Chris’ life in some way after he met me include Claudia Gherkin, the booking agent, and secondarily Dennis White who had been a bartender at both Wrex and Vogue. Chris mentioned to me that White used to tend bar dressed like a woman, whereas Claudia sometimes uses a male name (Claude), at least online.

The Vogue seems to have been an important stepping stone for the bands that would be signed to Sub Pop. Going from the premise that grunge was a manufactured phenomenon largely based on imitating and then burying Chris Newman, and the whole process set up years ahead, it’s worth asking why the name Vogue (or even the name Wrex) was chosen. Wrex has a number of connotations, but one of the things it is are call letters of a TV station in Illinois – WREX channel 13, established 1953 (which was also the year Chris was born). UHF frequencies are used in mind control and to cause cancer via piezo electrical biomedical implants.

I stared into a belly through the eyes of a beast
Made a toast to life and commence the feast
We chewed up mints and creams till our mouths were oozing full
Devoured mounds of meat, sucking marrow from the bone
Washed it down with wine, vintage 1953
Leaned back in our chairs, sucked our gums and picked our teeth

Mudhoney – Final Course 2013
John Sex at Vogue - Seattle Rocket cover
From NYC – John Sex at Vogue (get it?) – Seattle Rocket 1987

A reason why I wonder about the name Vogue is because it’s the name of a premier – maybe the premier – fashion magazine, and grunge was not just music, it became fashion as well. David Bowie, Fashion is a 1980 song that seems in some ways to link the concept of fashion with fascism (goon squad, robotic dancing, etc) and may be related. The “Derelict” fashion show section of the 2000 movie Zoolander is an obvious satire of the concept of grunge fashion. The movie also brings out references to mind control black sites (“You have been in a day spa for a week”) and Manchurian candidate style assassinations. Just because a movie is fiction doesn’t make all parts of it untrue. There was literally a grunge-era Seattle band called The Derelicts, and yes they played at the Vogue and seem to have been close to Mudhoney.

The obvious reference to Vogue Seattle, once you begin to understand what it was, is Madonna’s Vogue (1990) “strike a pose.” In that song she names off a list of classic Hollywood movie stars.

Bowie also lists stars in his 2013 song about entertainment industry linked surveillance The Stars Are Out Tonight (with various meanings for “star” as star-like drones are part of this surveillance and attack network).

One of the things I figured out in 2015 when I was experiencing so much sexual and other harassment at Portland Community College was that there are cameras in bathrooms and dressing rooms all over Portland, and I now know, in Seattle clubs as well. Also, there are hidden cameras broadcasting from doctors exam rooms. The main location of these video surveillance devices seems to be fire sprinklers, so obviously, fire departments are part of the cover up. Also, it’s against the law to cover up a fire sprinkler. All of this footage – photos or video – collected from this hidden camera system seems to be distributed or trafficked to wealthy people (including celebrities and all in that orbit) worldwide. My understanding is this global surveillance, trafficking, and attack system is run by the CIA and FBI.

There are a few reasons why I know for sure that this hidden camera network exists and is being used widely, and the main reason is because things were done deliberately over and over to let me know about it – either via covert communications with me in real time or by mirroring something back through media. For example, something was said or something that happened in a doctor’s exam room when it was just me and the doctor – shows up on a TV show or movie (or several TV shows and movies) or in music videos. Alternative, there have been a lot of real-time coded communications coming from outside the exam rooms, restrooms, and dressing rooms in the form of timed or responsive bumps and thumps on walls and ceilings. (I can still remember several specific examples.) This is why calling me delusional is such an important defense mechanism for those covering this up.

Visible Targets at the Wrex 1982


As I’ve mentioned earlier Bundy Creature was, according to Vogue booking agent Claudia Gherke (aka Mardi Claw, Claude Lemon, etc), a special band put together to celebrate her birthday. There’s a poster online for her 27th birthday on 25 August 1987 at The Vogue, where Napalm Beach headlined, and the 3bands3bucks website shows that Bundy Creature played again (at Squid Row) on Claudia’s 28th birthday in 1988 this time with Snow Bud and Girl Trouble. Those are the only times, so far, I see Bundy Creature appearing on a show listing. However, somewhere in the collection of flyers I’ve downloaded over the past week, on a flyer for one of Chris’ bands, Bundy Creature is listed, but in a way that makes it seem like they’re a booking agent or promoter – something like “Bundy Creature presents.” (If/when I find the flyer I’ll post it here.)

I also mentioned earlier that Bundy creature must have been a reference to serial killer Ted Bundy, but I realize now that Married With Children was on television by early 1987, featuring the anti-hero protagonist shoe salesman Ted Bundy. Meaning the Bundy creature may be a reference to serial killing AND shoe selling.

A question I have is did Bundy Creature ever show up on a bill that did not also involve one of Chris’ bands?

I continue to be a bit fascinated by who in Bundy Creature Claudia chose to name – Jack Endino and Tad Doyle – and who she decided to leave mysterious – “very now famous members of soundgarden… some mudhoney”

It would actually be really easy for me to ask someone who knows who was in this band I guess but I’m not in the mood to put people on the spot right now.

The reason why I’m a bit focused on Bundy Creature is the timing of this August 25, 1987 birthday show with regards to the beginning of the Sub Pop Sundays showcase.

Claudia Facebook post on Aug 25, 1987
Claudia Facebook post on Aug 25, 1987

Elliott Smith’s suicide note

When Elliott Smith died in 2003, Chris was homeless in San Francisco. I believe there are a lot of lies (a script) around Elliott Smith. I believe that like Chris, he was brought down for money, and likely because he wasn’t on board with the “let’s all pile on” mentality of cruelty and scapegoating.

Elliott Smith’s story is carefully curated, with the oh-so-predictable cautionary “don’t do drugs” message woven through – even though he didn’t have illegal drugs or alcohol in his system when he died.

I do not think any photos of Elliott Smith’s suicide note on a post-it have ever been produced.

Did he, or did he not drop that last T off of his name? Because if he did leave off that last T, I think the note could be interpreted as an apology to Chris. And I wish Chris had known.

Chris made this poster

poster for Tabasco Tim's acoustic showcase with Elliott Smith, Chris Newman, Sean Crogan, Birddog, Jerry Ann + special guests

See also Blue Gallery, Elliott Smith, Sean Croghan

Belmont Avenue, Portland - sign on telephone pole reading "I heart metal"
SE Belmont Ave, Portland
April 7, 2022

Endless Love – 1998

New Yorker’s Daphne Merkin on Nick Broomfield and Courtney Love

Today I ran into and read for the first time an article about Courtney Love in the New Yorker, dated June 8, 1998. That would be seven years to the day after (FBI/CIA) tranced me out and tried drop me off a cliff while on L.S.D. with my army veteran honey trap boyfriend, and it would also have been my daughter’s father’s 36th birthday. I do have reason to suspect there are links between Courtney and others around her, and my daughter’s fathers’ family, especially her cousins the Spinos from Warm Springs, Oregon.

Let’s just say I don’t think the date of the article is a conicidence.

The article explains that Courtney has a number of personalities that she cycles through. This seems accurate. And the article is a bit of a review about the Nick Broomfield movie called Kurt and Courtney.

There’s a lot to parse in the article because journalists are forever indicating that they know more than they let on while pretending not to know much.

One of the sentences that stood out to me in this article is about 3/4 through, at the end of paragraph 16 when the writer asks “So how is it that everyone he talked to either hates or fears Love?” And Broomfield responds “I didn’t find anyone who had anything wonderful to say about her.”

When journalists are letting you know they know about something linked to Chris or me, they typically do it in the last sentence of a paragraph, as if between the paragraphs, there’s a second part left unspoken and understood.

Chris had been interviewed for Kurt and Courtney. Valarie was also there. I don’t know if Chris had “wonderful” things to say about Courtney, but he always said he had nothing bad to say about her, and Flying Heart/Jan Celt told Chris and the local music press that the reason the footage with Chris did not appear in Kurt and Courtney is because it was a hit piece and Chris had nothing bad to say. Chris and Valarie had pet rats and he told me that when the camera crew was there, Valarie was letting baby rats run in and out of her mouth.

See how I just did that end-of-the-paragraph thing?

Another thing about that movie is that Napalm Beach’s cover of Wipers Potential Suicide is mentioned in the credits, but it it not used in the movie. I suspect that’s also hint of some type. Look at the pattern of songs on the original 1992 release of 8 Songs for Greg Sage.

Once again – Napalm Beach wasn’t the only band being set up for a fall.

Nirvana was also being set up for a fall.

The occultists are fascinated by opposites. Black/white. Good twin/Evil twin. The first/the last. The biggest/the smallest. Up/down. Beginning/End. Napalm Beach was the oldest of a group, and Nirvana the youngest.

A vanishing point, in art, looks like the top of a pyramid or the center of an X. “One above, one below” – and yet somehow, both end up in the dirt.

Blue Gallery, Elliott Smith, Sean Croghan

Blue Gallery

June 10, 1989

From Chris’ memoirs – Napalm Beach played Blue Gallery a couple of times. The club felt competetive with Satyricon. Blue Gallery owner Tim Brooks was the local champion for the sub-underground snobbery embraced today by the Olympia K records scene. It was his job to dismiss bands like the Jackals and Napalm Beach as worthless bar bands berift of art and unworthy of consideration. Brooks felt like his little bar was the true music mecca. He claimed the Satyricon was over run with ripped blue jeaned blues based junky bands. Sean Crogan of Crackerbash was Tim Brook’s friend and shared his sentiments. Croghan also played and promoted the X-Ray cafe, an all ages downtown venue run by his highschool pal Tres Shannon now of Voodoo Doughnuts fame.

Note: Blue Gallery was circa 1988-1992
Tim Brooks died of lung cancer in 2004 at age 48

poster for Tabasco Tim's acoustic showcase with Elliott Smith, Chris Newman, Sean Crogan, Birddog, Jerry Ann + special guests
July 5, 1995

Elliott Smith and Sean Croghan

I was playing an acoustic showcase with Elliot Smith and Sean Croghan at the Egyptian club (July 5, 1995). Croghan insisted he and Smith play first to the small crowd. I was on fire and excited to play with Elliot (sic) there. Before I could play my first chord, I saw Croghan pull Elliot out the door, sending me the message that I wasn’t worth listening to.

I have enemies in my little town of Portland, but the real problem fuckers are in neighboring Seattle and Olympia. If they continue to have their way, I will stay written out of the Northwest history of Rock n Roll Music!

I know the competition is based around the fact that I outshine most mediocre artists. I have put years of work into my passion. These days the DIY culture encourage the young to get out there and do it.

I hear some great stuff now and then. I do believe there are things more important than musicianship in this craft. You have to retain a sense of humor and to trust your gut feeling on everything. That is God’s voice speaking to you, I believe.