What did I know and when did I know it?
Generally speaking, I’m grateful for any and all help that I get, except for when I’m misdirected. This situation is so difficult, so dangerous, and the truth so unconventional, that it’s really difficult to deal with gaping holes, or important bits left out.
I knew beginning in January 2014 that there were serious issues with surveillance. It was pretty clear soon after that, that surveillance-based human trafficking was involved. I also knew I was experiencing directed energy attacks, but I didn’t have a name for them yet. I had to get a lot of my information from sources that turned out to be disinformation sources. The thing about disinformation sources is that in some cases, they convey valid information along with bad information, and if you have no other source of information, as I did not at the time, sometimes you can pick out bits of truth. But you inevitably get snagged up in lies as well – especially in my case where there is so much surveillance and it’s easy for people to reflect or “mirror” what I’ve been experiencing, and claim they’ve also experienced the same thing, or have some kind of inside information in it.
It wasn’t until Spring 2017 — more than three years after my initial attempt at resolving the surveillance issues — that some good information began to leak, albeit in subtle ways. In 2017 I began to discern that I was having some dreams that were scripted, or programmed (like radio broadcasts), presumably by a military source; and it was in 2017 that I began to understand that I had implanted devices in my back and elsewhere body which were being used to create pain and somatic sensations. Throughout August of 2017 implants were activated one by one throughout my body so that I could feel them “pulling” as if magnetically. In October 2017 I sold my prized 1964 Fender Mustang in order to get enough money to purchase a wireless frequency tracer and obtain objective evidence supporting this. The wireless tracer showed evidence of implants throughout my body. I purchased a Geiger counter as well, and that also registered some disturbing readings. Chris was completely freaked out by the whole thing and never allowed me to use it on him.
The following year, 2018, there was a type of sea change, in which someone associated with military intelligence began to communicate with me more clearly and consistently, and help me understand what was going on. For example, I began to understand that not just some, but all of my dreams seem to have been broadcasts (military/CIA programmed) – going back to infancy. This is important, because information is conveyed to me through dreams.
However, even then there were big pieces missing, or presented problematically. At first this idea was pushed to me that I should hide the fact that I was getting information from a military source, and simply present myself as clairvoyant. I knew I couldn’t do this for several reasons – it’s not honest, it’s not accurate, and it would likely be more of a liability than an asset considering there had been a paper trail built up with multiple individuals claiming that I had psychosis, delusions, etc.
Another thing that’s been going on, is that different individuals from my past were said to be linked to drone activity, and in some cases, with this idea that certain individuals are linked to specific drones. (There is a web of drones over my apartment building, many of which can be seen at night, mimicking stars.) This has never entirely made sense to me, for obvious reasons. Some of these individuals don’t even really know how to use a computer. But this idea was pushed to me consistently and I was made to understand that I should put this information out, and being as I was experiencing all of these directed energy attacks, and I was (and am) desperate to stop the attacks, I put the information out. I was acting as instructed.
When Chris came down with cancer, the idea of the CIA being involved started to come forward. The idea of the Portland Police Chief being involved started to come forward. And the idea that Chris was being murdered by the FBI was also pushed to me.
Why did I believe the messages that came to me?
I believed them because my confidence had been gained, through a variety of means, and also because I didn’t have much else to work from.
The problem is, it’s clear to me by now, while I know I can pick up on wirelessly transmitted information (sometimes consciously, but also unconsciously) – it’s not always easy to decode the meaning of what I “hear,” and nearly impossible to know where the information is coming from. So how do I tell if or when I’m being tricked?
Another layer of problem here, is there is some kind of “game” structure behind all of this, with rules that are designed, essentially as traps. And the further I wander into this, the more I buy into the legitimacy of the game itself, the worse it seems to get. I don’t want to buy into the legitimacy of this. I never did. But it appears that everyone around me – maybe everyone in the world – has bought in or accepted it, so where does that leave me? Nonetheless, it’s increasingly clear that this entire structure has to be abandoned and the world needs to turn back to the rules that are supposed to apply to everyone – the law. US law – including the US constitution – and international law – including human rights laws, and laws against medical malfeasance and crimes against humanity.
In 2020, it was converted to me for example, one individual had “killed” another individual. I thought that meant that this person had somehow been trained to operate a drone, and had been paid to kill another person. What else was I supposed to think? I knew that murders were happening. Both individual were ex-convicts with drug histories. The person identified as the killer was someone I knew had been involved in surveillance sex trafficking activity, at least as an observer. The person who died, died suddenly and unexpectedly, in his early 50s, of a massive heart attack. I do know that this is one way that people are being murdered, and I’ve personally experienced both attacks to my heart and with a frequency tracer, have detected wireless signals coming from the region of my heart.
Much later, all of this was refined, with the idea that the way these killings are actually happening, is via “FBI files.” That people are making negative reports to the FBI about others which are then being used as a justification for secret assassinations. But I’m not even sure if that’s correct. In fact, I think that any so-called “files,” if they exist, are a cover for the real and far more logical reason why people are being killed, which is to cover up and continue a massive crime (medical malfeasance, medical trafficking). Part of what is going on is evidence destruction, and part of that is killing off of witnesses. Whether or not these witnesses have “talked” is less important, I suspect, than that they have potential to talk. And it seems pretty clear to me that the longer this whole business is covered up, the more people will die.
Furthermore, how do these alleged reports get to the FBI? Though it’s possible, it doesn’t seem likely that people are submitting garbage information to FBI through their online tip form. This question – how these reports get to the FBI – has never been answered. Why, if you are trying to help me resolve something, would you leave out these key bits of information?
At this point, every day, throughout the day, this idea of “FBI files” is pushed to me. That the FBI has files on me and my daughter that of course would have to be slanderous (because we’ve never done anything that should be even slightly interesting to the FBI) – and this is why we’re being attacked and in danger. And that “FBI files” are a “murder weapon.”
A pattern that I see going on is a divide and conquer strategy applied at different levels and with different groups, including family groups. This is made worse by people’s willingness to keep covering for this entire mess.
So it’s hard to know if you’re being played, and to what extent.
When Chris died, I saw things his family members were saying on Facebook that were shocking to me. As if he were a bad person who deserved “forgiveness” for something. Some of his family seemed not to like him. I don’t understand where this came from. Similarly, some of my own family members have said or implied terrible things about me, and this goes back a decade or more. Where is this coming from?
Why do people who have information about this crime, cover it up? think there’s a number of reasons, but in the end, it’s all a type of mind control. This is a hallmark of the CIA. Some of the control is direct frequency-based control of the brain. Much of it is cult-like behavior, with this idea of there being the enlightened “insider” group, and the hostile “outsider” group, and somehow this trumps even close family connections. Some of this is linked to finance. Some of it is linked to fear. Some of it is habit. Some of it is group think – everyone is doing it. Some is linked to fantasy – this idea there is some valid process of resolution, or that when the right “savior” appears, all will be resolved. The idea that there’s only one person who can address this (either Chris or me). There’s a lot going on, a lot of myth and nonsense to overcome.
The more you allow yourself to be swept up in the “logic,” thinking patterns, secrecy, and coded language of this “game” (probably better described as a cult) – the more you lose touch with reality. The nature of the structure is to push every single person into this point, where they lose touch with reality – what our laws are, how science works, how people are supposed to treat each other, what risks we face as individuals, communities, and globally – and even how to communicate clearly.
Looking back at how all of this has progressed, it’s clear that it is vital to keep touch with reality, and not be swept up into the false logic of this cult-like behavior and false promises of “the game,” which looks like – has always looked like – nothing more than an elaborate cover for a terrible crime. I saw this in January 2014 when I first tried to file a police report and hire an attorney, and I see it today.