The Courtney Love problem extends beyond the trap she willingly walked into by fraudulently marrying Kurt Cobain. I say that it was a fraudulent marriage because she was a honey trap who’s job it was to destroy him, just as Chris’ wives were put in place to destroy him. I’m sure there was a cover story about them “taking care” of him (so he could be more easily defrauded out of all his creative works) – but that’s nothing but sugar coating. Dirt and sticks over a booby trap.
The problem is that she also has the FBI and CIA in a bind. The nature of the crime is mutual imprisonment. If Courtney were to testify truthfully under oath about her role, it would likely have a catastrophic effect on the Department of Justice – an effect that I think needs to happen – otherwise nothing will change – but of course they’d rather pretend everything is just fine as it is, and money and murder fixes everything. This is a DELUSION.
Courtney Love has the goods on the butterfly system. I suppose this is not a system the FBI and CIA want to admit they’ve been involved in (especially, I imagine, the FBI). Courtney Love has the goods on the reporting/informant system, the abuse, the medical murders. Perhaps on this account the Justice Department and CIA feel obligated to support her no matter how heinous her crimes.
Also, Courtney is obviously really good at deception, double speaking, and just flat out lies.
I was not the first person she deceived but I hope to be the last.
Earlier today I mentioned a Seattle bar that ran from 1980-82, Baby O’s. The bar is described on the Three Bands, Three Bucks website. The calendar they provide doesn’t look to be complete, however, Chris Newman’s Untouchables are listing as having played what looks like a series of nights in two consecutive months – August 7-8, and September 2-5, 1981.
I’d been thinking about that bar and wondering if the name was intended to match Triple O’s in Boston, a meeting place for Whitey Bulger’s gang. In the documentary, Whitey: United States of America v. James J. Bulger, Kevin Weeks says he worked at Triple O’s between 1975 and 1982, but it sounds like the bar continued be linked to the crime syndicate.
Unlike Squid Row, there isn’t a bunch of stuff online about 122 Cherry and in fact unlike the Squid Row block, it seems to be a block with a lot of older historic buildings. It looks like there have been mostly nice restaurants in that space, and that the most recent one, Bakeman’s, closed for good during or after the COVID epidemic.
Last night I had a dream that suggested that the property which had housed Baby O’s was significant. What I wrote down was this:
Two “spiders of use” – black plastic fork, Caravan monster (Baby O’s)
Speak Easy
Speak Easy used to be a term for a bar that operated during prohibition, though now it’s sometimes used to indicate a “hidden” bar. Here it might be both.
Caravan monster seems to be a German documentary about high-end specialized camping vehicles by a company called WELT (German word for “World”). Mayr is also a German company, making safety brakes, torque limiters, shaft couplings, magnetic couplings, magnetic brakes, DC drives.
WELT – Off-Road Caravan Monsters – “It’s all about the rockers” (34:03)
I tried to do more research on 122 Cherry and didn’t find much, except a Spokeo entry claiming there is a resident there named “C Labeouf” (owner is unknown)
I then tried to find out who “C Labeouf” is, but can’t locate anyone with this last name, spelled this way, in Washington State. All the Lebeoufs I could find live in California, Arizona, or Florida.
This does remind me of a Hole song, “Awful” (1998)
“Swing low sweet cherry make it awful…
If the world is so wrong Yeah you can break them all with one song If the world is so wrong yeah you can take it all with one song “
The Roses of Heliogabalus – Lawrence Alma-Tadema – 1888Bergdorf
The psychology around this crime is incredibly sophisticated, while at the same time, at times, being very blunt. For example, a tremendous amount of this is basically carrots (bribes, “gifts,” and other temptations) and sticks (threats, physical attacks, including attacks through implant networks, psychological attacks, professional sabotage, threats to family members). Retaliation is often swift and obvious (though not usually objectively demonstrable). The financing of malfeasance is blatant, and a lot of times this is flaunted.
I am in a situation right now where I have multiple potential lawsuits, while simultaneously, my rights are being infringed every day. I just spent a few minutes conducting legal inquiries and the first thing that happened was my phone kept switching to show information about my daughter – implied threats to my daughter. This was done remotely, meaning it had to come from the FBI, CIA, or someone who works with them.
The next thing that happened was my phone ringer was remotely turned off. Then, when I tried to return calls regarding the legal matters, the connection was disrupted. Next, my cat, Roxy, was attacked with directed energy attacks, and finally, I was attacked in the lungs.
This was all from doing initial inquiries with attorneys. And I believe it all came from the FBI and/or CIA infiltrated, paid off, and co-opted by corporate powers. The retaliations involve extreme surveillance that should not be happening and very high tech weaponry.
I always have to question whether it’s productive to actually call attention to these things. If there were a functional system of accountability, calling attention to these issues would prevent them from happening. There is no accountability, and reporting retaliatory behavior so far does not usually prevent or stop it. Then it becomes even more a type of power flaunting. “Look at what we can get away with in plain sight.”
There is a potential problem with their approach and that is that one day there may in fact be accountability. Whether or not that happens depends on people refusing to be controlled by carrots or sticks, and instead focused on doing what is ethically and legally proper. In particular, it depends on those who are positioned (and in some cases legally obligated) to help, to step in and take action against malfeasance, constitutional rights violations, murder, abuse, theft, and graft.
I’ve watched this 2014 film a few times and am still trying to parse it. Before I had seen it, I knew almost nothing about this case. The thing that is particularly interesting to me is this issue of how information and money was moving between Bulger, Bulger’s associates, and the FBI. Secondarily, the idea that the FBI may have concocted a fake informants file is also interesting. And also, it’s really clear that the film makers and even the interviewees are dropping a lot of coded clues about the situation I’m investigating.
Right now, I’m of the opinion that that the relationship was one of information sharing between Bulger and the FBI. I am also of the opinion that 700 page informants file is concocted – and likely that it is exactly 700 pages is as relevant information as anything.
But is the file concocted at least in part from bits of information that were linked to Whitey, but came through other informants who were themselves linked to Whitey? Or maybe a more relevant question is why would the FBI concoct a fake informants file about a real informant?
What I suspect about Whitey and about other people who ultimately have to face the FBI down in court, is that they had a working relationship that the FBI has an interest in covering up. Others I suspect that may fall into that category are Ghislaine Maxwell and Larry Nassar. This is just a hunch based mostly on the pattern of people who are involved in significant crimes far longer and far more brazenly than should be possible. Also, trauma based mind control is linked to molestation and trafficking.
I don’t have enough information to answer the questions I have about that 700 page file, but there are other things about that movie that suggest a widely known but covered up relationship between Bulger and the FBI, linked to the our situation, and the entertainment industry.
The film opens with this shot of Boston from the water – like skimming, gliding, or hovering over the water. I see this imagery all the time linked to this crime – this idea of being suspended over water, like you might be dumped in at any moment. Behind this is music which can easily be described as grunge-like.
Later in the film, as Bulger associate Kevin Weeks begins to describe his association with Bulger and working at a bar called Triple O’s a new sound is heard in the background – a wah pedal guitar that to me, immediately evokes the sound of Iggy and the Stooges.
The Ramones were a band that were Iggy adjacent in some ways. Joey Ramone was a singer who often pronounced words differently than they were written. “I wanna be well” always sounded to me, for example, like “I wanna be whipped.” I always thought the beginning of the song “Pinhead” – “Gabba Gabba we accept you as one of us” sounded like “Gabba Gabba WEEKS…” Pinhead, I’ve asserted, is about having biomedical implants (“pins”) stuck in your head.
Actually, there are a lot of seeming references to Whitey, Weeks, and the Winter Hill Gang in songs going back at least to the 1970s.
Another thing I’ve noticed as I’ve researched bands and the venues they played over the years, is that there are actually a lot of instances of venues in different cities with matched names, and sometimes it really does seem deliberate. This kind of thing seems to be a type of signaling, a type of signaling that suggests they want people “in the know” to know something about them. There was a club in Seattle, 1980-82, 122 Cherry Street, called Baby O’s.
I am still struggling to understand how the FBI operates. It seems like they are very opaque, with a veneer of being very clear. Currently the front page of the FBI website reads “We protect the American people and uphold the U.S. Constitution” – but it’s superimposed over a photo of a woman surveying a blurred excavation site that initially, at least to me, looks like a cemetery. What are the white blurry headstone like objects? It isn’t explained. front page banner 9/22/22
The FBI understands the power of coded language and images. When you click the “read more” link, you come to a page with a woman’s ghostly face behind frosted glass, framed by two etched pentagrams – one near her jaw, one near her temple and the words “ahead of the threat.”
Along with this image, “ahead of the threat” can be read a number of ways. Is the ghostly-looking woman the “threat”? Or is this mirror-speak – “a head of the threat” – ? I suspect it’s intended to be understood as both these things. In other words – the FBI is a “head” of the threat – and you are also supposed to see the woman behind the glass (me) as a threat.
When you are running a crime gang, and someone is trying to end the crime – the law, and even the crime victim – becomes the threat. And to the extent that the FBI can also claim to be a head of a “threat” – they are displaying power. This makes it difficult for (me) to get help in my quest for safety and restitution.
I have studied the FBI’s use of imagery (and numbers) for some time and honestly, they really seem to advertise malfeasance and adherence to a script of occult mind control and power brokering.
What they investigate
So – does the FBI primarily investigate crime, in the sense of gathering tips, collecting evidence, building a case, etc – or are they actually engaged in something darker, like fishing expeditions, collecting reports on people who should not be under suspicion for anything, and/or financed assassinations via radiofrequency operated biomedical implant networks? I suppose it’s a bit of both, but I increasingly suspect their operations are less about law enforcement and protecting citizens and the US constitution, and more about maintaining corporate power, even when that power involves malfeasance and outright crime.
FBI files
Why would funneling negative reports to the FBI be such a lucrative business?
I’ve been trying to figure out how reports would get to the FBI and my understanding right now is that it is by phone, but that could be done in a number of ways. For example, the FBI may have a set of informants who themselves have informants. In other words, not everyone is calling the FBI directly, but they have a contact to compile and convey information.
Also, based on the way things are reflected back, it’s pretty clear there is a script – meaning, the stories seem to have originated from a single source, even if they’re coming in from several sources. So let’s say there’s a middleman (or woman). That person might be able to convey to the informants what kinds of stories are desired; which the informants could then manufacture or set up, and report back. So for example, when everyone was piling drama and micro aggressions on Chris at the end of his life, one of the things going on were women texting him saying things like “I am determined to see you no matter what” or “I know I’m not allowed to see you” – things along those lines, the storyline being that Erika is holding Chris captive. If someone knows that someone else is under surveillance, they could presumably weaponize the surveillance in any number of ways, including trying to lend support to false narratives. To me, it looks like that is what was going on there. This is the same pattern seen in my medical records, and even (about me) in Chris’ medical records, and almost certainly in police records. So if the source of the script is not the police or FBI, they work very closely with them. It could be the CIA.
Support for the idea that the script is CIA concocted includes:
the likely involvement of Whitey Bulger who had known contact with CIA project MKULTRA
evidence of finance, set ups, couriers and messengers linked entertainment industry
involvement of military drones and frequency-based high tech weaponry
links to biowarfare research, mind control / brainwashing tactics, and large scale hospital malfeasance
That’s about it.
I don’t know how well I’ve made the case for all of these things going on, but it is what I’ve observed. If you look at the other things I’ve written through this lens – I think it all starts to make more sense.
The name Lola can be decoded, I think, as “left hole left architect” or probably more straightforwardly, “left hole L.A.” – intent to kill (drop through a hole) the left side (Chris and me) architected and/or financed by Los Angeles (entertainment industry) via the vehicle of false reports to the FBI (Op Anne Boleyn).
I started to think about this as a possible link to the character of Lolita aka Lola in Jim Jarmusch’s Broken Flowers. Broken Flowers is a movie about characters around Chris and me. Both that character, Lola, and her mother, evoke Courtney Love as a teenager and as a widow, respectively. There is a “Yard Sale” sign in their yard. Yard sales or things left in yards are a theme in the movie. Right after they meet, and before the mother arrives, teenage Lola walks naked in front of the character, Don Johnston, played by Bill Murray, casually chatting on her phone.
Later, while they’re eating dinner, Lola guzzles wine and her mother comments “doesn’t her head look like a pineapple?”
This movie drops a lot of clues. This may be a clue as to who was behind the teenage honeytrap scenario – possibly that it was linked to Los Angeles.
The earrings worn by Lola are hearts with holes in the middle, similar to the mouth shape under the MGM Lion.