Here is what I know about Chris’ murder

Chris was murdered. Here is what I know about his murder:

  • it involved, and was covered up by, the FBI
  • it involved the CIA, and frequency based weapons
  • it involved financed lies, false stories, and elaborate manipulated set ups
  • it involved and was covered up by his doctors at Providence Hospital
  • it involved and was covered up by people who were close to him, people whom he trusted
  • it involved finance, including finance linked to cannabis and finance linked to cocaine
  • it involved people living in neighboring apartments
  • this same group of people intends to kill me and my daughter

What did I know and when did I know it?

What did I know and when did I know it?

Generally speaking, I’m grateful for any and all help that I get, except for when I’m misdirected. This situation is so difficult, so dangerous, and the truth so unconventional, that it’s really difficult to deal with gaping holes, or important bits left out.

I knew beginning in January 2014 that there were serious issues with surveillance. It was pretty clear soon after that, that surveillance-based human trafficking was involved. I also knew I was experiencing directed energy attacks, but I didn’t have a name for them yet. I had to get a lot of my information from sources that turned out to be disinformation sources. The thing about disinformation sources is that in some cases, they convey valid information along with bad information, and if you have no other source of information, as I did not at the time, sometimes you can pick out bits of truth. But you inevitably get snagged up in lies as well – especially in my case where there is so much surveillance and it’s easy for people to reflect or “mirror” what I’ve been experiencing, and claim they’ve also experienced the same thing, or have some kind of inside information in it.

It wasn’t until Spring 2017 — more than three years after my initial attempt at resolving the surveillance issues — that some good information began to leak, albeit in subtle ways. In 2017 I began to discern that I was having some dreams that were scripted, or programmed (like radio broadcasts), presumably by a military source; and it was in 2017 that I began to understand that I had implanted devices in my back and elsewhere body which were being used to create pain and somatic sensations. Throughout August of 2017 implants were activated one by one throughout my body so that I could feel them “pulling” as if magnetically. In October 2017 I sold my prized 1964 Fender Mustang in order to get enough money to purchase a wireless frequency tracer and obtain objective evidence supporting this. The wireless tracer showed evidence of implants throughout my body. I purchased a Geiger counter as well, and that also registered some disturbing readings. Chris was completely freaked out by the whole thing and never allowed me to use it on him.

The following year, 2018, there was a type of sea change, in which someone associated with military intelligence began to communicate with me more clearly and consistently, and help me understand what was going on. For example, I began to understand that not just some, but all of my dreams seem to have been broadcasts (military/CIA programmed) – going back to infancy. This is important, because information is conveyed to me through dreams.

However, even then there were big pieces missing, or presented problematically. At first this idea was pushed to me that I should hide the fact that I was getting information from a military source, and simply present myself as clairvoyant. I knew I couldn’t do this for several reasons – it’s not honest, it’s not accurate, and it would likely be more of a liability than an asset considering there had been a paper trail built up with multiple individuals claiming that I had psychosis, delusions, etc.

Another thing that’s been going on, is that different individuals from my past were said to be linked to drone activity, and in some cases, with this idea that certain individuals are linked to specific drones. (There is a web of drones over my apartment building, many of which can be seen at night, mimicking stars.) This has never entirely made sense to me, for obvious reasons. Some of these individuals don’t even really know how to use a computer. But this idea was pushed to me consistently and I was made to understand that I should put this information out, and being as I was experiencing all of these directed energy attacks, and I was (and am) desperate to stop the attacks, I put the information out. I was acting as instructed.

When Chris came down with cancer, the idea of the CIA being involved started to come forward. The idea of the Portland Police Chief being involved started to come forward. And the idea that Chris was being murdered by the FBI was also pushed to me.

Why did I believe the messages that came to me?

I believed them because my confidence had been gained, through a variety of means, and also because I didn’t have much else to work from.

The problem is, it’s clear to me by now, while I know I can pick up on wirelessly transmitted information (sometimes consciously, but also unconsciously) – it’s not always easy to decode the meaning of what I “hear,” and nearly impossible to know where the information is coming from. So how do I tell if or when I’m being tricked?

Another layer of problem here, is there is some kind of “game” structure behind all of this, with rules that are designed, essentially as traps. And the further I wander into this, the more I buy into the legitimacy of the game itself, the worse it seems to get. I don’t want to buy into the legitimacy of this. I never did. But it appears that everyone around me – maybe everyone in the world – has bought in or accepted it, so where does that leave me? Nonetheless, it’s increasingly clear that this entire structure has to be abandoned and the world needs to turn back to the rules that are supposed to apply to everyone – the law. US law – including the US constitution – and international law – including human rights laws, and laws against medical malfeasance and crimes against humanity.

In 2020, it was converted to me for example, one individual had “killed” another individual. I thought that meant that this person had somehow been trained to operate a drone, and had been paid to kill another person. What else was I supposed to think? I knew that murders were happening. Both individual were ex-convicts with drug histories. The person identified as the killer was someone I knew had been involved in surveillance sex trafficking activity, at least as an observer. The person who died, died suddenly and unexpectedly, in his early 50s, of a massive heart attack. I do know that this is one way that people are being murdered, and I’ve personally experienced both attacks to my heart and with a frequency tracer, have detected wireless signals coming from the region of my heart.

Much later, all of this was refined, with the idea that the way these killings are actually happening, is via “FBI files.” That people are making negative reports to the FBI about others which are then being used as a justification for secret assassinations. But I’m not even sure if that’s correct. In fact, I think that any so-called “files,” if they exist, are a cover for the real and far more logical reason why people are being killed, which is to cover up and continue a massive crime (medical malfeasance, medical trafficking). Part of what is going on is evidence destruction, and part of that is killing off of witnesses. Whether or not these witnesses have “talked” is less important, I suspect, than that they have potential to talk. And it seems pretty clear to me that the longer this whole business is covered up, the more people will die.

Furthermore, how do these alleged reports get to the FBI? Though it’s possible, it doesn’t seem likely that people are submitting garbage information to FBI through their online tip form. This question – how these reports get to the FBI – has never been answered. Why, if you are trying to help me resolve something, would you leave out these key bits of information?

At this point, every day, throughout the day, this idea of “FBI files” is pushed to me. That the FBI has files on me and my daughter that of course would have to be slanderous (because we’ve never done anything that should be even slightly interesting to the FBI) – and this is why we’re being attacked and in danger. And that “FBI files” are a “murder weapon.”

A pattern that I see going on is a divide and conquer strategy applied at different levels and with different groups, including family groups. This is made worse by people’s willingness to keep covering for this entire mess.

So it’s hard to know if you’re being played, and to what extent.

When Chris died, I saw things his family members were saying on Facebook that were shocking to me. As if he were a bad person who deserved “forgiveness” for something. Some of his family seemed not to like him. I don’t understand where this came from. Similarly, some of my own family members have said or implied terrible things about me, and this goes back a decade or more. Where is this coming from?

Why do people who have information about this crime, cover it up? think there’s a number of reasons, but in the end, it’s all a type of mind control. This is a hallmark of the CIA. Some of the control is direct frequency-based control of the brain. Much of it is cult-like behavior, with this idea of there being the enlightened “insider” group, and the hostile “outsider” group, and somehow this trumps even close family connections. Some of this is linked to finance. Some of it is linked to fear. Some of it is habit. Some of it is group think – everyone is doing it. Some is linked to fantasy – this idea there is some valid process of resolution, or that when the right “savior” appears, all will be resolved. The idea that there’s only one person who can address this (either Chris or me). There’s a lot going on, a lot of myth and nonsense to overcome.

The more you allow yourself to be swept up in the “logic,” thinking patterns, secrecy, and coded language of this “game” (probably better described as a cult) – the more you lose touch with reality. The nature of the structure is to push every single person into this point, where they lose touch with reality – what our laws are, how science works, how people are supposed to treat each other, what risks we face as individuals, communities, and globally – and even how to communicate clearly.

Looking back at how all of this has progressed, it’s clear that it is vital to keep touch with reality, and not be swept up into the false logic of this cult-like behavior and false promises of “the game,” which looks like – has always looked like – nothing more than an elaborate cover for a terrible crime. I saw this in January 2014 when I first tried to file a police report and hire an attorney, and I see it today.

Chris was murdered

Chris went into the hospital on January 5, 2021 and he died on May 9, 2021. This was all well over a year ago now. I had known for years that our lives were in danger, and expressed it publicly several times both on my YouTube channel and my Twitter account. I also knew that there had been a pattern of untimely deaths in the music communities in Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco – all communities where Chris had lived and performed – and had tried to draw attention to that. May 22, 2019 I told the FBI that our lives were in danger. They said “probably wouldn’t” investigate. Two weeks later, Chris was hospitalized with heart failure.

But Chris didn’t die from heart failure. And even though he had terminal cancer, he didn’t die from that either. In fact his heart and/or breathing was remotely stopped, and that is how he died. But the heart failure and the cancer were both medical conditions that were deliberately created and, I believe, deliberately neglected by Providence Hospital, at the behest of the FBI, until it was too late to do anything.

I’d known the basics of this from the moment of Chris’ diagnosis, because of what I’d been observing for years, and because of the information that had been passed to me. But I was working with more than just hunches, suspicions, and (wirelessly transmitted) information pulled out of the air. There was other evidence as well.

When Chris died at 11:33pm on May 9, 2021, I knew it was a murder, but I didn’t call the police to report it as a murder, at least not that night. The following July 15-16, however, I did try to report his death as a murder. The police, however, refused to take a report.

Why I didn’t initially report the death as a murder, and why I changed my mind two months later requires some explaining. It’s clear to me now that all of these details – how I knew that Chris was murdered, and why I didn’t report it at first, need to be put in writing, because the longer this goes on, the more likely it is that details will be forgotten and otherwise lost.

Also, I am in all the same danger that Chris was in, that we both have been in for years. Since 2014 I had been trying every way I knew to get us out of this situation, to get us out of danger and it seems that no matter what I tried, I couldn’t make any progress. I’m still trying, but I also realize that no matter what, I also have to try to document everything.

It wasn’t until Chris was sick that I was made to understand that the CIA has been involved in this all along. I’d already figured the FBI was involved, simply because I’d tried to report different aspects of the crime to them so many times, telling them I had evidence, and they kept ignoring me. In 2019 when I was experiencing a lot of wireless attacks to my heart, and trying to get the FBI to investigate the wireless signals I’d detected coming from my heart, I recall an agent saying “goodbye, Erika” with a decisive tone, as if she expected me to die. others were doing the same thing, around time, and I couldn’t understand why.

It was only after Chris died that it started to come out to me that the FBI had been maintaining some kind of secret reporting system (“FBI files”); that people who we may or may not have known over the years had been filing “reports”; and that – to the best of my understanding – Chris was tortured to death because of what was in those reports, and the attacks I’m experiencing are also because of what is in those reports. That the attacks themselves are being carried out by the CIA with a variety of wireless weaponry. That hospitals, including Providence Hospital system and PettyGrove Medical center, are involved in this. That TV broadcast towers (KVIQ, KGW) are involved in this. That drones are involved in this. That weapons have also been placed in spaces adjacent to our apartment, either wirelessly operated, or operated by neighbors.

Behind all of this is a web of global finance, a longstanding pattern of corrupt behaviors, backroom deals, coercion, threats, blackmail. It’s so big that the patterns around it are obvious. It only exists because of the participation and cover up within all branches of the US government, and because so far, civic leaders, medical professionals, citizens, and journalists/publications are willing to cover it up, either out of fear, or for pay/favors, or all of the above. Nonetheless, there’s always a chance that one or more individuals will see the big picture, and the writing on the wall as to where this accelerating murder and malfeasance rampage will go if it isn’t stopped as quickly and decisively as possible, and find a way to come forward before things get too much worse.

Un-wiping Chris’ legacy

This site was supposed to be about Chris’ music.

I know what Chris wanted, and I know what concerned him. He was concerned about what people would think. Too concerned. I’ve tried to keep this site focused on music. We had other websites as well, and YouTube channels, which over the past eight years we’ve lost control of, our couldn’t afford to keep running, or in the case of the Boo Frog YouTube channel, simply disappeared.

When I met him, Chris was suffering physically and emotionally, and he continued to suffer during our years together. It’s increasingly clear that wasn’t suffering because of poor choices he made based on “free will” or because of “bad luck,” but because of set ups and lies. I began to figure some of this out back in 2014, but at that time, I still didn’t have a clue how extensive the whole business was, and how deep it went, or how sophisticated it was. Furthermore, as soon as I tried to push back, I was met with a financed, neverending, avalanche of hell. A tremendous amount of effort was put into the idea that I could just “behave” my way out. So when I finally gave into the idea, figuring well, if I do what they want, I guess then they can’t blame me (as they had been doing) when things don’t work out – well then they had what they needed. Time and space to operate. So things just got worse and worse.

Here we are, eight years later. Chris has been murdered, and since 2014, absolutely nothing has changed for the better. A lot of things are worse. Clearly, in acquiescing, even the tiniest bit, I made the wrong choice.

It’s been a year since Chris’ death. I’ve tried to honor his wishes to the best of my ability, but it’s also clear that Chris’ wishes were being manipulated, and that he didn’t always understand what was best. I know he cared for me and for Brook, and he worried about how we would fare after his death. He also cared about his legacy.

Today, trying to understand some things, I spent some time looking at my old blogs from 2014 and it was really difficult to see how far I had actually come in understanding that year, only to be shut down while simultaneously being made to believe that the United States government had plans to work something out on our behalf. Because we were being imprisoned, exploited, and harmed, ultimately, I now know, by the FBI and CIA.

Instead, apparently, they chose to treat us like pawns in a global political strategy game. They allowed people around us to profit from lies, and based on those lies, they ripped our family apart, attacked us physically, and murdered Chris. But they didn’t do it alone – they had help from people around us. They had help from people who knew us, people who spied on us, people in the local business community, people in local politics. They had help in the form of lies and corruption from so-called “upstanding citizens.” All around us, the people and groups who had already exploited us for decades continued to enrich themselves as they continued to deceive and misrepresent us and we remained in a state of imprisonment and suffering. Meanwhile, a lot of other people died, who would not have died if the US had done what they had made us believe they intended to do, and helped us get through to a state of justice. I am convinced that we would not have had the COVID epidemic, or all the mass shootings we’ve had, or any number of other horrible events, had they allowed us to come through in a timely manner. Our family would have stayed intact. Chris and I could have lived out the dreams we’d been working on since we got together in 2009. Chris would not have been so horribly tortured and he would not have died as he did, believing he was a failure.

This site was supposed to be about music, but it’s clear that there are powerful entities working hand in hand with the FBI who are dead set on destroying every memory of Chris’s legacy. So right now, I don’t feel that the so-called “high road” is the correct route. I’m not saying that I believe in taking the “low road” – because to me that would mean lying, cheating, stealing – everything that’s been done to us. That’s never how I’ve done things, and I don’t intend to start now. What I mean is that I can no longer ignore what has been going on, and I can’t stay silent about how I feel about Chris’ legacy being sabotaged and his image dragged through the mud, including by people whom he trusted the most.

Wives and Honey Traps

Chris and I had a lot of parallels in our lives, one being that, before we had met each other, unbeknownst to us, all our our respective former partners – boyfriends, girlfriends, and in his case, two ex-wives – had been honey traps, apparently, all ultimately linked to CIA/FBI. There appear to be a lot of people world wide who would love to minimize the significance of such a thing, but from my perspective, it is a terrible thing that should never be minimized. Keep in mind that we were artists and civilians, not spies – so the idea that we’d be snared by such an endeavor never even crossed our minds. There’s a lot more to say about this as well.

On August 23, 1991 Chris married Valarie Rea Cauldwell. Valarie seems to have been a honeytrap in the making for Chris since she was a young child, and I suspect that Chris’ family members fully knew this, though Chris never did. In January 2005 Chris and Valarie divorced and on February 14, 2007, Chris married Denise Hackett Smith. Chris and Denises’ relationship was long distance, they never shared a household (though Chris believed that one day they would), and they didn’t get along for more than a few days at a time. Denise was, from my perspective, deliberately emotionally abusive to Chris. After 15 months, Denise filed for divorce.

Chris, until the day he died, believed that Denise practiced “radical honesty” – but that was never true, and if Chris had truly thought about it, he too would have realized it wasn’t true, being as long after their divorce, Denise had a habit of contacting (and/or responding inappropriately to) Chris behind my back. I am not saying this as a specific criticism to Denise – but the truth is, that the kind of deception that has surrounded both Chris and me is so thick, pervasive, systematic and damaging – I think at the very least I should be free to air it out a little bit.

Chris and I met in 2007, and became a couple in March 2009, about three months after his divorce from Denise was final. Our intentions to marry officially were deliberately thwarted in different ways by a number of different people.

The truth is, considering the big picture, Chris and I should have met much earlier than we did. I am not necessarily defending the structure into which we were placed, but if you are going to have a system in which two people are destined from birth to be together, it is unkind to keep them separated and set up with honeytraps year after year after year.

Chris’ biography, memoirs

Some people have taken an interest in the fact that Chris began writing his memoirs. This is something he started probably in 2010 after Eric Danielson published a short biography of Chris (dated Feb 28, 2010). Chris worked on his own memoir project off and on until the bizarre kidnapping incident happened to me in January 2014, at which point, I think that everything became so disrupted and confusing that he stopped.

Chris always gave me the impression of refusing to have his understanding of his past, his community, his place in the world shaken by the crazy things that were increasingly happening to and around us, but I suspect that deep down he knew something was off. In any case, our world was quite suddenly very profoundly disrupted, and he seemed to leave off the project at that time and never pick it up again. I know that he didn’t consider it a finished work, and that he wouldn’t have wanted it to have been distributed in its current form.

That said, it contains some useful biographical information as well as memories of experiences that were important to Chris. There is not as much about music in it as one might expect, even though Chris embodied rock n’ roll and loved reading biographies of other musicians. I think in part it’s because of where he was at the time, reassessing or remembering his life in terms of family and other relationships.

Chris was someone I became increasingly interested in between the years of 2006 and 2009 when we began work together musically. I was interested in him first as a musician. I had a lot of questions about him, as I could tell that he was extremely talented and accomplished, yet somehow at the same time, it was very difficult to find any of his albums, or even information about him online. After we’d begun to work together on music, I wrote a poem about him, which I published on MySpace, which was one of those poems I typed on the computer rather than writing down, and because of that, as far as I know, has unfortunately been lost to time. I do remember that I started out describing him as “Black cat, working life number 8” – and envisioned myself as something like an acolyte, following behind him, trying to gather together his recordings – his works. I remember that I had a line about the “moth holes in his blazer” which he thought was funny, because his clothing was not moth-eaten but damaged by cigarette burns.

The work that Eric Danielson did in 2009 and 2010, though flawed, was important because he was filling in blank spaces. The research Danielson did on Chris’ discography was particularly important. Unfortunately, I don’t think that Danielson has been working as a disinterested or supportive party, and that has resulted in increasing problems in what he’s been publishing. Danielson is hardly alone in this regard. There appears to be a system at work which has been sabotaging Chris work and life going back to his childhood, while also consistently and relentlessly wiping away evidence of Chris’ entire existence.

I am determined not to let the wiping machine win.

There is really a lot to be explained or discussed about how Chris approached his music and his legacy. Chris cared about his legacy. And if I had any doubts about that, looking back today at message Chris sent to Mark Lanegan in February 2021, it’s clear that Chris cared – in that moment, it felt to him like one of the most important things he’d done was record with Mark – an album that, like most of Chris’ records – no record label would touch, which Chris finally had to self-release on Bandcamp.

There’s a lot to be said about these things.