Famous Blue Raincoat

Aunt Marge in in red go go boots and blue raincoat standing before a gold wall and a fireplace
Aunt Marge at Canturbury Inn
Ocean Shores, Washington 1970

I have talked about this image elsewhere, but I’m going to talk about it here in hopes that it will help me illustrate a few points about first, my links to Washington state, Seattle, the music industry, and Nirvana – and second, in hopes that it will help me show a few things about the nature of CIA-driven mind control practices and their links to families, to the entertainment industry, and to the practice of medicine and psychology.

First – just to get this out of the way – the term “mind control” is really not the right term. I’m talking about something that is more like total control – control of business, control of industry, control of human relationships, control of human behavior, and control of human bodies from birth to death – and often the deaths are horrible. Cancer. Car accidents. Drownings. Strokes. Overdoses. Suicides. Shootings. The list goes on and on. I can explain, for all practical purposes, exactly how these things occur. I can provide forensic evidence to support my explanations – at least I could do that, before my equipment was sabotaged. Nonetheless, I made videos.

The only thing I have not done, because I do not personally have access to the technology, is to reconstruct or repeat these things in a laboratory situation. But even if I could – would it matter? How much proof is enough?

Nonetheless, this is too important to simply ignore, and it’s a key part of the story I’m trying to clarify here.

The photo shown here is my father’s sister, my Aunt Marge. She, and my father’s mother, Helen, were nurses at Swedish Hospital, which, according to Wikipedia, is “the largest nonprofit health provider in the Seattle metropolitan area.” Both my aunt and my grandmother worked their entire careers at Swedish Hospital.

The photo was taken, I am almost certain, around Christmas 1970. You can see on the caption that the photo was developed in February 1971. The location of the photo is a room at the Canturbury Inn in Ocean Shores, Washington, a time share that as far as I know, they still own to this day. I visited there in 2006 with my father and my daughter and took some photos and that’s why I recognize the location. Also, I believe I was there when this photo was taken. I was born March 29, 1968. So that means I was VERY young. Do I remember this photo being taken. I’m honestly not sure. What I will say is that I have experienced memories and recollections going back much further than most people do. Sometimes these memories come and go. Often I can remember remembering something, if that makes sense. Maybe that is how memory works anyway – you recall something over and over, and it stays in your memory.

There are other weird things about my memory though, and I could write pages on this so I’ll try to stay focused on what I’m trying to get across.

I’ve been trying to reconstruct the past lately, largely because I was trying to help Chris’ story get out, and get out properly. What I’ve run into again and again is false information thrown out by people who should know better. False dates. False stories. In some cases, the false stories would appear to be corroborated by other people – a false script. And this isn’t just to do with Chris – it’s come up with others as well, including Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love, and possibly Kat Bjelland. Sometimes the false stories – including corroborated false stories – are salacious – meaning – if I repeated them thinking they were true, and lots of people knew they weren’t true, or they were shown to be untrue, it would make me look like a jerk and a liar. So over the years, I’ve learned to, whenever possible, seek corroborating evidence from primary sources like documents or newspaper articles.

There is this whole thing with musicians who fictionalize their backgrounds or turn everything into a joke (Seattle bands of the 1980s and 1990s were particularly known for pulling stunts of various sorts) – and while that may have its place in show business, it’s not the same as reality. That said, I have literally had people say to me – and I’m talking about educated people who should know better – that reality is subjective – like, entirely subjective. And we can just pick our own reality. Those people are linked to the CIA.

The photo shown, of Aunt Marge before a fireplace, wearing a blue raincoat and red go go boots, was for years in a family photo album which also contained a lock of my hair in an envelope marked “Sept 1970.” I have spoken at length about why I believe the photo to be the real inspiration behind the Leonard Cohen song “Famous Blue Raincoat” – and while I won’t get into it here, all one really has to do is to entertain the idea that Cohen saw the photo, knew something about Marge, and her background, knew about the lock of my hair – and then carefully examine the lyrics to Famous Blue Raincoat, a song that takes the form of a letter.

There are a few more things that are likely pertinent here – last time we drove to Ocean Shores I experienced the sensation of having weird flashbacks along the road – like I had been there a lot. But I don’t really remember being there a lot. Also, if you look at a map, Ocean Shores is a pretty isolated area. We would have been going there from Seattle. In order to get to Ocean Shores from Seattle, you drive through Olympia which is the capitol of Washington State and the location of Evergreen State College which I have asserted and shown evidence – is and has been an experimental testing ground for CIA mind control technologies (it’s also where I thought I wanted to go to school in the 1980s). And after Olympia, you drive through Montesano/Aberdeen, where Kurt Cobain grew up.

Up until maybe some time in the 1980s apparently my family also had a time share at the Polynesian Resort next door to the Canterbury – this is where Kurt Cobain worked as a janitor, probably around 1987.

My grandfather was a high school counselor at Garfield High School in Seattle. He was Jimi Hendrix’s high school counselor. He said that he was forced to kick Jimi Hendrix out of high school for truancy. While this was no secret, and he remembered Jimi Hendrix, and had thoughts about his upbringing and so forth no one ever interviewed my grandfather about his links to the Hendrix family. I mention this here because I now know that Hendrix was murdered by the FBI/CIA and that like the death of Kurt Cobain, this murder was something a lot of people knew was going to happen ahead of time, kept quiet, and likely profited from. And I believe this is alluded to in the Leonard Cohen line “I see you there with the rose in your teeth – one more thin gypsy thief” – Hendrix’s last band was called band of gypsies. That said, there may be other – more literal – gypsy (Romani) links. I had a childhood friend named Michele who often dressed as a gypsy for Halloween. She is linked into all of this.

I have memories of what I believe to have been tests given to me as a very young child by adult strangers in what seem to have been hotel rooms. Of course, as a child it all seems like play and games, but there were things about this that made it stand out, and one of the things I’m getting at is that sometimes when things are weird or intense they stand out in your memory. One of the tests was a shell game – where there are three cups or something, and an object beneath the cup, and the cups are shuffled around, and you have to guess where the object is. What I remember about that, was I didn’t pay any attention whatsoever to how the cups or shells were being moved around. I spaced out. And then when I was asked to pick which cup hid the object, I just picked, and I seemed to keep getting it right. And the guy doing the test seemed really amazed about this. So it made me feel special. That was the kind of thing that was going on. Another thing that I remember were these paper cut-outs in box-shapes with animal designs on them like cows and stuff that you were supposed to fold together into 3-D shapes but as I recall at the time I was a bit too young to do those puzzles myself. There were other instances like this off and on through my childhood but these very early ones I thought about a lot because they seemed so detached from anything else that was happening in my life. As a semi-related note, all through my childhood, before the days of caller ID – when the telephone rang, I used to be really good at intuitively guessing who was calling. I was also good at the paper – rock – scissors game.

Ok so there’s that. And then there’s one more memory that I should share here which happened, probably in 1971. What I remember is this – my mom sent me outside to play. I think she may have given me some kind of costumes we had – they were animal costumes. I walked outside. This was on Edgewood Road in Eureka, California. We lived in this house (the address today is 3462 Edgewood Road – was slightly different back then) and behind the house was a copse of trees and I think maybe a dirt driveway or pathway, and it must have recently rained because there were puddles everywhere. As I walked out there, at first I was by myself, and I thought I heard my mother call my name in the distance – but then I thought it must have been the wind. I don’t know how many people experienced this kind of thing as a child (or adult) but I know Chris also experienced it, and I experienced it several times. But what it did here, I think, is alert my attention and heighten my awareness to the events that followed. At some point, another little girl showed up, and then – and I think this was after the girl appeared – a couple of older boys appeared. The girl had a new raincoat that she was proud of. And somehow the boys got the raincoat from her – either they asked to see it, or took it from her. And then they proceeded to defile the raincoat – the only thing I really remember this image of the older boy, who by now had thrown the girls rain coat into a puddle, and was swirling it around in the mud with a stick, saying “there’s the brand new rain coat, all messed up in the mud.”

I would have just thought this was something that just happened, except in 2017 I saw this movie called Colossal which triggered a whole flood of flashback memories to all kinds of time periods of my life, including a lot from the early 1970s, including that incident. Except there was, as there usually is, mergers of different kinds going on, so the raincoat became a diorama of Seoul (this links to a later childhood memory having to do with making models of California missions – and as usual the web starts expanding). Anyway, in Colossal, the protagonist, Gloria, has her diorama crushed by a boy, and this somehow engenders anger which gives her this “power” and so forth. This is part of what’s going on with trauma based mind control, but it’s only a small part. Because it appears that repeated traumas can also cause memory loss, and paralysis as well (aka going to “the sunken place”) So it looks like what was going on in Chris’ life, and in my life, were these two opposing forces deliberately setting up intense or traumatic situations – where there was a questionable boundary between what is real, and what is theatre – trying to achieve opposite goals. One group was trying to put us to sleep, and another group trying to wake us up – or maybe it was just as often the same group, simply being paid or influenced by others farther up in the hierarchy. And of course, the more they stole from us, or intended to steal, the more likely they were to want to put us to sleep, or ultimately, to get us killed. And they finally did kill Chris.

Ultimately, blurring the line between fantasy and reality is extremely dangerous. The psychology of the boy who cried wolf is a big part of this. Everything is ok, until it’s really not ok anymore – but if there has been a lot of play acting and false alarms up to that point, action, when it really needs to be taken, is paralyzed. And if it’s not paralyzed by psychology, it’s paralyzed by threats and/or payoffs.

Cohen’s song may also link to this raincoat incident that happened to me. The idea of a raincoat mushed up in the mud. And for that matter, the imagery of the hat flying into the mud puddle in the heart shaped box video may also be linked.

I am basically certain that Cobain’s stomach problems were the result of covert implants linked to the CIA, and possibly to my own family members (who are linked to the CIA). I also believe that his heroin addiction and his suicide were instigated by the CIA working through medical systems. And Chris’ cancer was also created by the CIA working through medical systems.

Beginning in 2015 I was contacting the FBI asking them for help. In 2019 I told the FBI specifically that our lives were in danger. All this seemed to do was to make things worse. It has since become clear that the CIA is working under the protection of, hand in hand, with the FBI in these things.

One of the last scenes of Colossal shows the main character, Gloria, standing in a blue-tinged rain, wearing an open raincoat.

Colossal – 2016 film

Occult Numerology and FBI/CIA

There is a lot of coded language, names, visual symbols, and and numerology involved in all of these linked events. It took me a while to figure out that most people have been “educated” somehow in all of this – while I had to put it together from media.

I’ve been looking at the whole thing long enough to know that the coded language has dialects that vary based on various factors, and that their has been, I believe, a distinct effort to manipulate the language to be as powerful and as violent as possible. Symbols are deliberately co-opted and used for specific purposes, just as the Nazi party co-opted and essentially ruined an ancient, nearly universal symbol – the swastika. This is part of a bigger mind control system – and the mind control system is really a total control system.

Behind much of this is the CIA, working from a much older occult system or group of systems – encompassing not just espionage and subversion but medicine, psychology (including mass psychology, cults, etc), alchemy, magic, and of course, drug experimentation and trafficking. The whole thing is a system of crime wrapped in a mandatory omerta enforced with mind control, finance, and violence. Murder – mass murder. And I am talking about literally millions of deaths. This much I’ve been able to figure out.


The idea of “twin” or linked events – not only murders and disasters, but definitely murders and disasters – is central. I often say “linked” rather than “twin” because the thing about these events is they don’t stop at two. They’re linked like spiderwebs – one murder is linked to several others, but from different nodes.

There are links to other secret societies. I was able to figure out a lot about the numerology by using the Rider Waite Tarot Deck like a decoding ring.

With regards to numerology, doubled numbers seem to be special. 11, 33, and 22, in particular seem to stand out. All of this – the covert symbols and numerology – seem to be fully embraced in particular by the FBI/CIA. They use occult numerology in dates, in stories, in descriptions – and in crimes, by which I mean, crimes they are orchestrating via the use of mind control technology. Like, for example, the 9/11 attacks. But you’ll find it in a lot of other instances as well.

This numerology, as I said, is also linked to Freemasonry. I used to think that Masonic groups and police links to Masonic brotherhood were the problem. I now think that’s not exactly what the issue is. The issue is that the most powerful entities in our nation – possibly in the world – the FBI/CIA – are, and have been engaged in a massive, financed, worldwide crime spree.

What is the number 33 about exactly? When did it start becoming a “thing”? Some people say Jesus was 30 or 33 years old when he died. But aside from that – according to my research – 33 degree Masonry didn’t start until the 19th century. 33 1/3 RPM record was invented in the 20th century. Interestingly, both of Chris’ parents were born in 1933.

Over and over, what is most frustrating to me about this whole thing is the power of the omerta. If there is a location where any of this is discussed openly, I don’t know where that is. But a huge part of the power of this system lies in it being protected by silence, and by centralized powers misconstruing, manipulating, and erasing historical information and other data, a machine against which I’m constantly battling. It is only through open discussion, dialectic, scientific method that truth can be understood, and it is only by understanding the world as it is that we can move forward successfully as a people – I’m talking about the future survival of the human race and of planet earth.

This crime involves deliberate wiping away not only of histories, but human lives, and even entire families. The mentality is that of pruning branches off of a family tree.

There is a lot of camouflage, distraction, disinformation, manipulation, meaningless discussion, rabbit holes to fall into. While all that is going on, the murder machine continues along a path which is relentless.

I can prove that this murder machine exists. I shouldn’t have to do so, however, because it’s already widely understood to exist. The problem is that the institutions of our government, private, and non-profit sectors who are charged with protecting the health and well being of human beings seem to have been consumed and co-opted by this system. It’s not hard at all to figure out how that happened. It has to do with what people are expected to do, and who they are expected to protect, in order to rise through the ranks into powerful positions. If you protect the gang, the reasoning is, the gang will protect you. Until they don’t, anymore.

The gang may ask you to throw your brother, sister, mother or child to the machine. And you will be expected to comply. The trauma you experience through acts such as this will make it easier for your to tolerate subsequent acts of violence and betrayal. Rather than moving to action when something horrible happens or is about to happen – your mind will go blank. You’ll think about something else. Maybe you’ll get paid off. Your main task is then to figure out how to live with yourself. I suppose people start to do math in their heads – try to rationalize functioning within this system, and to figure out how to succeed within the system, rather than attempting to dismantle the system, even when opportunities exist for dismantling the system and replacing it with something safer, more honest, more wholesome and more real. I know that change is possible, but it won’t be possible as long as we are forced to keep horrible secrets.

Research and Writing – IV – Dates (new information)

In a blog posted just a few hours ago (Research and Writing III – Dates), I discussed issues around dates, including conflicting information about dates, or poorly supported assertions that become part of what I call The Script. The Script is my name for coordinated stories by gatekeepers of stories about pacific northwest music history, especially in those periods that Chris Newman was actively writing and performing. Chris’ career spanned from about 1970-2020 but he was most active and prolific in a careerist sense from 1980-1996.

I have asserted that Chris’ work was deliberately sabotaged and buried while at the same time widely imitated in a number of ways, due mainly to the high level of surveillance around him – that he was trafficked via surveillance by a number of powerful entities, including the FBI/CIA – and I have also asserted that is who murdered him, as a cover for a number of crimes, including large-scale child trafficking activities, torture, covert medical and psychological experimentation and manipulations, and more murder. I don’t expect to simply say these – what some might call outlandish – things – I expect to provide support for these claims, and that is exactly what I have been doing.

With regards to the previous blog, I brought up the Nirvana song “Heart Shaped Box” and specifically the “tar pit trap” line – which I asserted that Cobain deliberately linked to the title and refrain from Chris’ song “Tar Pits.” And I discussed dates – the alleged date that Cobain composed Heart Shaped Box (“early 1992” according to a footnote on Wikipedia. Clearly I’ll have to chase down the original source, if possible, to find out exactly how that date was determined) – and trying to guess when Chris had written Tar Pits. The reason for this is to provide additional support for my assertion that Cobain was deliberately using the refrain from Chris’ song in Heart Shaped Box. (Not the only support for the assertion, mind you – but still important.)

In the blog, I said that Tar Pits was published by Chris on his album Ripped Van Stinkle (which is true) and that the album came out in October 1992. This date was based entirely on Chris’ memories. Chris did not work with professional outfits to record and release music. He worked independently and/or with tiny DIY labels.

I did recall Chris saying that this album had been recorded twice (and that the original title of the album was El Kabong) – because the original masters had burned up in the Dogfish Studio fire. That allowed me to go back into archives and find an article in The Oregonian dating the Dogfish Studios fire to March 24, 1993. That means that the original recording for Ripped Van Stinkle was made before March 24, 1993, and the second recording was made sometime after that. So it’s more likely that Ripped Van Stinkle came out around the same time as Nirvana’s In Utero.

Chris, in case anyone is wondering, paid very little attention – if any – to the music of Nirvana. Why that is, is worth consideration at some point. Even though “Nobody’s Daughter” Courtney Love had been a friend of his, I don’t know of him hearing any of her music prior to 1994’s Live Through This.

Dogfish Studios fire article from Oregonian – April 19, 1993 – PDF format

Research and Writing – III – Dates

One of the assertions I’ve been making for years now is that Kurt Cobain coded lots of messages into his music which could be picked up by either Chris or by me. I know it’s not only Cobain who did this, but he was extremely clever at how he went about it, and he was importantly positioned both in time (he was almost exactly one year older than me – shared a birthday with my mother, actually) – and location, and of course by profession as a musical artist.

After going back into my journals at length, which I started to do in 2018, I realized that Cobain in a lot of ways knew my journals better than I did. As for Chris, all of his journals, and all of his letters prior to 2014 have vanished. Some of his letters vanished after he was living with me, so it is not that Chris lost or misplaced them. Someone stole them.

The first Nirvana song that I realized was based on one of my poems was the song called Sappy, based on a poem of mine called Caterpillar Jar and I’ve talked about it at length on videos and so forth. Caterpillar Jar appears in my journal first in March 1988. So, if you look up the history of Sappy, on Wikipedia you learn that it was first relased in October 1993, but the Sappy Wikipedia entry goes on to say “Originally recorded under the working title “Sad”, “Sappy” dates back to at least 1987. The first known version of the song is a solo home demo recorded by Cobain in the late 1980s”

“at least 1987” – really? I still contend that the version that came out in 1993 is based on my poem from March 1988. Where does “at least 1987” come from, and is there evidence to support that claim, the way I have evidence of the date of my poem in my 1988 journal? I don’t know the answer to that, but the source for the claim is a 2006 book called Nirvana: In Utero by a Seattle writer named Gillian Gaar. In order to find out how Gaar established the 1987 date I’d have to track down the book and see what her sources are. The thing about this is, however, in this context – northwest music history in general and Nirvana in particular – you cannot trust what people say, even when there are several people corroborating the same story. Because there is a script.

This came up again with regards to another song from 1993’s In Utero, and that is Heart Shaped Box. While writing about honey traps I started thinking about the “tar pit trap” line. Chris had written a song called Tar Pits which he recorded in 1992 (correction – Tar Pits was more likely recorded, burned up, and re-recorded in Spring 1993 – see “new information” post).

Chris had married Valarie – a heroin-addicted CIA-trauma-trained honey trap – in August 1991. Chris’ first releases were on a label called “Trap” belonging to Greg Sage of the Wipers, and Chris’ drummer, Sam Henry, was the Wipers original drummer. Sam was also a heroin addict, and Sam’s secret job, like the secret job of Valarie, and for that matter, Greg Sage, was to “trap” Chris. Chris was deliberately trapped with distractions, brainwashing, misdirection, psychological manipulation, bad advice, and drugs.

I think Cobain was drawing a parallel between himself and Chris with that line, in a few different ways.

The thing about artists that imitate Chris music – it was possible to imitate Chris musically before Chris performed publicly or recorded because of the surveillance trafficking coming right out of our private residences, and there are times I suspect this may have happened. So I don’t know exactly when Tar Pits was written, and in fact I believe the album on which it appeared, Snow Bud and the Flower People Ripped Van Stinkle was actually recorded twice, because a fire destroyed the master tapes in the period of time after it had been recorded and before it had been mixed (that was the Dogfish Studio Fire). Chris’ memory was generally good about dates, and he gave me the date of October 1992 as the date that Ripped Van Stinkle, and Tar Pits, was released.

In Utero was recorded in February 1993 and released the following September. When was Heart Shaped Box written? According to the current Wikipedia article, it was written in early 1992. What’s the source? Gillian Gaar again. This time it’s not clear from the footnote what publication; possibly it’s the same In Utero book claiming the 1987 date for Sappy.

One other thing I find a bit interesting – Gaar’s twitter bio reads thusly: “Writer and thinker. #binders” -On the album Ripped Van Stinkle, “Tar Pits” is track 11. Track 12, the last song on the album, is called “The Thinker”

Research and Writing – II – Gatekeeping and The Script

Our Favorite Performer

Use just once and destroy
Invasion of our piracy
Afterbirth of a nation
Starve without your skeleton key
I love you for what I am not
I do not want what I have got
A blanket acne’ed with cigarette burns
Speak at once while taking turns
– Kurt Cobain “Radio Friendly Unit Shifter” (In Utero 1993)

I have made the claim that archivists, scenesters, and writers writing about the music of the pacific northwest – in particular those writing about the times when Chris was actively playing and recording – recite from a script. And they don’t just recite from a script about Chris, but about all notable artists within his orbit, or shall we say sphere of influence.

In addition to there being a script, there are established gatekeepers of history, especially when it comes to artists around whom there is a lot to hide – and there are a few of those. Chris’ history is hidden mostly by simply being omitted, though it seems that the more is written about him, the more there is to disentangle, because falsehoods are being published, and once they are published, if they aren’t immediately corrected, they’re apt to be republished again and again. The more that is written about Chris, the more likely it is that gatekeepers will appear, and one person who may be positioning herself in that regard is his first wife Valarie. Valarie – another honey trap – has published out and out libelous statements about me – by which I mean demonstrably factually false as well as harmful – and refused to remove the defamatory content when asked, so she may deserve additional attention.

Gatekeeping is particularly systematic when it comes to more well-known artists. The who come most immediately to mind are Kurt Cobain and Elliott Smith, both of whom I believe – or better put – I believe beyond reasonable doubt – were forced to suicide. In other words, like Chris and many others, they were murdered. And not only that, it was widely known that Cobain and Smith were murdered, and that it was widely known ahead of time that they would be murdered. In other words, these are cover-ups that begin while a murder is being planned (and the victim could still potentially be saved) – and they are cover ups involving not just a small group, but large communities, and supported or instigated and covered up, once again, by the FBI/CIA. Under such circumstances, you can understand why there would be gatekeepers, and why any writer who cared about his or her own life and/or the lives of their family members, would not venture beyond the official gatekeepers and the official script.

I mean, I hesitate to support this fear such a system engenders by painting it out to be exactly as corrupt and terrifying as it is, but history teaches us that acquiescing to violent authoritarianism only leads to more violence, and more authoritarianism. So my point of view is that someone has to break the cycle, and that starts with speaking truth.

The gatekeeping is about more than covering up murders. A lot of it is about money, and the murders themselves seem to be linked to financial and material gain (homes, cars, opportunities) by people in the community. Gatekeeping can be as simple as directing attention. “Mark Lanegan is the best singer” is one example of the script. You’ll hear some version of that from lots of different sources. I’m not alleging this part of the script comes from Lanegan – I think it is linked to someone else – but that everyone within a certain community was obligated to go along with it, and certainly not to counter it publicly. This background made it even weirder when Lanegan would say to Chris – more than once, but only in private – “Chris, you are my favorite singer.”

Cobain sort of takes the piss out of the whole thing here, as he introduces “the last song of the night” on MTV Unplugged, which is a Leadbelly* song he recorded as a duet with Lanegan, Leadbelly’s “In The Pines”. The introduction (first minute of the video) is the main part I’m taking about – “this was written by my favorite performer – our favorite performer – all our favorite performer, isn’t it? We like him the best. Oh, and there’s a donation basket…”

Within the full performance are other hints about what’s been going on in the background – like when he says “K” at the end of his intro and at the end when he says “WHOLE (HOLE) night” and instead of saying “cold wind” he pronounces it “CONE wind” – recalling some imagery of a cone-shaped hat blowing off along with some blue butterflies, and switching from white to black in the Heart Shaped Box video.

Nirvana Heart Shaped Box video showing white cone hat blowing off, soaking black ink from puddle

* It is my contention that Chris Newman was murdered by aiming a frequency weapon – possibly a carrier wave with radioactivity – at his internal organs via one or more implants in his gut – aka a link to both the moniker “Leadbelly” and the word “gutter.”

Dulli and Lanegan aka Gutter Twins standing in front of a chain link fence
Gutter Twins – Dulli and Lanegan

Cobain, from my perspective, was uniquely talented at creating art which could potentially catch the attention of either Chris or me. I was listening to and reading about a lot of old folk and blues artists in the 1980s and early 1990s, including Leadbelly. In addition, Leadbelly was known for the song “Goodnight Irene,” which links him to Ken Kesey (via the lyric taken for the book title Sometimes A Great Notion), and to the Oregon Country fair which is where Bret was headed on June 27, 1988 when he was hit by a car. I suspect that the Kesey family is linked to Courtney Love’s family (something to do with dairies and/or Grateful Dead and/or LSD/CIA).

Research and Writing – I – Deletions

In order to write a history of someone or something, it is helpful, to say the least, to have documentation from which to draw. These can include official documents of various types, or in the case of an artist or entertainer, dates of shows, publication dates, album release dates, contracts. They can also include newspaper articles, mentions in books, and things of that nature.

This is when it gets really sticky writing about Chris Newman and his bands. Chris, but not only Chris – there are others.

In 2013, when I published the article called “Introducing Napalm Beach” I started with what had ultimately become my conclusion – that the band had been deliberately buried – unpermitted to succeed financially, then written out of history. Most who bothered to respond lept all over this conclusion as being false, and though I thought I had made the case pretty well in the article – and trust me – it is not what I thought until I’d already been working on the article for weeks if not months – maybe I didn’t make the case well enough. Or maybe the problem was putting my conclusion at the beginning of the article. Or maybe all the criticism was just plain disingenuous.

I do seem to run into problems when I made a general statement and then support it with arguments and evidence. Usually the criticism is something along the lines of “that is ridiculous” and/or “you’re crazy and should be institutionalized/medicated/seek therapy.” And while that might not be the most well supported counter-argument a person could make, if enough people get together to form a chorus of this type, and if the chorus includes professional people who ought to know what they’re talking about – then it’s pretty hard to refute, facts and evidence be damned.

Nonetheless, I have to keep trying.

Yes, Napalm Beach was written out of history, and no, it was not an oversight. But rather than make this big claim all at once, maybe a better route is to look at smaller pieces. This is important not just because of the legacy of an artist, but because the CIA-driven machine that was and is behind all of this has is continuing to cause a tremendous amount of harm.

Yes, I now know that it is the CIA/FBI who was behind this, and that labels like Sub Pop and Flying Heart (and others) were (and are) tied into it, and this is why there have been so many premature deaths (including cancer, heart attacks, car crashes, and overdoses) in the San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle music communities. But look at me, there I go, getting ahead of myself again.

Chris isn’t the only person who’s life is being or has been deleted from history. I am on that list, my daughter is certainly on that list, and my childhood friend Bret Bowman is on that list. How should I know that Bret Bowman is on that list being as he was hit by a car while tripping on acid at age 22 while on his way to the Oregon Country Fair and spent more than 10 years in a coma before waking up and then committing suicide on the anniversary of my matriculation date from Humboldt State University? I know because as a child, Bret excelled in two areas – music and shooting.

Bret won several trap shot awards, and he also won awards related to musical performance. These are the kinds of things that would have been written up in local papers. But when I was doing research on Bret, searches in newspaper archives on his name brought up absolutely nothing. His awards did not come up, nor the incident that ultimately took his life.

I found a similar void when searching on my own name in newspaper archives. Even though I didn’t win awards as a child, I was in the local papers once or twice. And I found a similar pattern with Chris, at least in the major newspapers. What I’m saying specifically is that our names would not trigger results in searches of online newspaper archives. Could we be found by browsing specific newspapers page by page? Possibly. But to find information that way you need a lot more information – you need to know when, and in which publication, an article appeared.

There are a lot of other examples I’ve run into of centralized manipulation of data – both personal data – for example – the deletion and manipulation of my images from Google cloud accounts – and public data – manipulation of newspaper archive searches – to control information. The only groups that I know of which could be doing this kind of thing across several different platforms are federal spy agencies. And the data manipulation is sophisticated, by which I mean there’s an understanding of psychology applied here as well. If I were to make a public statement about some specific piece of data that I know should exist in a certain location not being there, or not being found, there’s a significant chance that the following day, said data will suddenly re-appear, thus making me look like I’m misinformed or careless at best, or delusional at worst. In other words, data manipulation is only one part of what is going on – defamation, disinformation, and other psy-ops are also at work here.

“Why should they care so much about you?” is the question that usually comes next – it’s a valid question, though the question always comes from those who already know the answer. Any kind of answer that I give which fits into some kind of soundbite then automatically receives the reply “you should seek therapy/medication, etc.” It’s not that the question can’t be answered – it’s just that the answer is designed – was deliberately designed – to be a bit crazy.

Just to be complete about this – information also has regularly been deleted from my computer hard drives and even from my back-ups. So as I’ve been attempting to collect and archive what I can, following right behind me is this big deletion machine. I can’t trust my computer, I can’t trust back up drives, I can’t trust newspaper archives, I can’t trust my web servers, and I can’t trust any cloud service to keep my data secure. Putting 2 and 2 and 2 together – this is intelligence agency level activity.

There were things written and published about Chris’ bands in various newspapers beginning at least by 1981. There was an article by Charles Cross in the Seattle P.I. published on July 18, 1981. When I tried to find the print version of that article and I was unable to do so not because of deletions, but because the only reasonable way I could find to access that archive required me to have a library card for the Seattle public library.

So there’s the issue of silence (being ignored in music histories), and there’s the issue of data deletion, there’s an issue of some data being unreasonably difficult to find, and there’s another issue – there’s the issue of being written about poorly. I’m not talking about bad reviews, necessarily – there are more insidious ways to sabotage an artist.