Matches: Tom Peterson watch, Cobain’s suicide shirt

Monica Nelson and the Jack London Trio
Monica Nelson (formerly of Obituaries) and the Jack London Trio
Ivan French banner Tom Peterson
Ivan French Facebook banner with Monica featured in profile image (Sept 2022)
Kurt Cobain suicide scene photo - left arm
Kurt Cobain suicide photo (April 1994)

The man’s face on Cobain’s watch, and on Ivan French’s banner above, is Tom Peterson.

Something I notice now, every time I see this image from Cobain’s suicide, is that when Chris was sent home from the hospital in January 2021, after his terminal cancer diagnosis, he arrived wearing a hospital gown with a pattern very similar to Cobain’s suicide shirt. On August 1, 2021, about three months after Chris died I was having such a terrible time with pain in the teeth to either side of the tooth 14 extraction site, I went to an emergency dentist. As I was walking to the dentist’s office from the bus stop, I saw a hospital gown with a pattern identical to the gown Chris had been wearing thrown into a pile of dirt near a highway overpass, along with a bunch of trash including food containers, masks, syringes, and a ripped up copy of Alcoholics Anonymous “Big Book”

August 1, 2021

Compare to this image from Peter Gabriel’s 1987 music video for Big Time

Peter Gabriel - Big Time stuff

See also: Matches: Live Through This (Sept 7 2022)

and A momentary reflection on the narrative and my research to date (Sept 7 2022)

A dream I just had

I don’t know if this has anything to do with Chris Chalenor who I was just writing about, or something else but I just fell asleep and had this dream where there’s a sense of the stairs, chain link fence, and a gate between Reservoir 6 (near 60th) and Reservoir 5 (uphill). Then there was a scene where Chris was going to get somewhere but finds he can’t walk – his legs are swollen, purple colored. Then there was something about being at an ATM – someone else using ATM, me driving the car. Concern about backing up, trying to control car, not hitting people. Something about going into bank versus using a drive up ATM.

Sense this might have something to do with The Obituaries and Monica Nelson’s links to New York City.

Mt Tabor Reservoirs 6 and 5

Chris Chalenor

Chris Chalenor was a colorist for Dark Horse comics. According to, “he colored several comic books in Dark Horse Comics’ Aliens, Predator and Aliens vs. Predator lines” and “provided original artwork for the Batman versus Predator trading cards” ( Chalenor was born December 10, 1963 and died in 2001 at the age of 37. What I was told is that he committed suicide after having been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

I first arrived in Portland in late 2000 and I never met Chalenor. However it seems he was among the crowd who frequented Satyricon in the 80s and 90s. When I began working with David Ackerman on his Satyricon photo archive in 2006, he would sometimes point out people in the club. Chris Chalenor was in a photo from the January 6, 1989 Nirvana and Mudhoney photoset. This roll was mostly photos of Mudhoney and Nirvana, with a few photos of people in the crowd. No photos on the roll, that I can recall, of Inner Anger performing, though a photo of Courtney Love shows her posing in front of their set list. I have the sense that the band name Inner Anger is a nod to occultist filmmaker Kenneth Anger and that he was (maybe still is) a channel for financing false reports to the FBI. Satyricon had a playground funhouse feel but seems to have been a magnet for occultists.

Here is the photo of Chris Chalenor at the Mudhoney/Nirvana/Inner Anger show (no one has ever identified, to me, the women in the photo)

Chris Chalenor flanked by two unidentified women at Satyricon, 6 January 1989
Satyricon – 6 January 1989

So I saw this photo in 2007, and David pointed out Chalenor, telling me that he’d been a comic book artist who had died young. Chalenor came to my awareness again probably around 2010 after Chris and I were together and I was trying to cobble together lost media archives from Chris’ past. One of the things I acquired was a DVD of a 1986 film (a video, actually) made by Neo Boys drummer and K Records associate Pat Baum. (I also, for what it’s worth, had a scan of flyer for the film, which described Chris’ music as “grunge.” That seems to have vanished.) Actually, it’s unclear if the video was completed in 86 or 87 – Chris was pretty certain it was released in 1986, but credits in the video say 1987. The full video which was on one of my many blown out media devices, was about 30 minutes long and contained a relatively lengthy section where Chalenor said a lot of very nice things about Chris Newman as a musician and artist.

Although I’d noticed a disturbingly high number of cancer diagnoses and deaths in Portland, it wasn’t until 2018 that I began to understand that people were literally being murdered with cancer induced by frequency weapons, including UHF frequencies from television towers, aimed at covertly placed piezo electrical biomedical implants, and also including weapons linked to the network of drones which is very obviously overhead at all times.

A question I have – having just posted these images from the Big Time music video – I remember in this Pat Baum film, Chalenor wearing an outfit similar to the one you see in the middle image, in front of the close of of television snow – but I can’t be sure because I no longer have the whole video. He wouldn’t have had a bow tie but he may have been wearing white, black, and burgundy.

Holla ‘cross from the land of the lost
Behold the pale horse, off course

Wu Tang Clan – Gravel Pit – 2000

What happened to Courtney Love’s twitter account?

Remember when celebrity twitters were newsworthy? When a single Kanye tweet created fodder for multiple articles?

Does no one but me notice how weird Courtney Love’s Twitter account became last May?

On May 10 I saw that her account design had been changed to a photo of a man in a blue shirt with Babe the Blue Ox on it, and the words “HEY BABE” holding a monster, tornado looking carrot. There was a pinned tweet from May 5 that was nothing but a carrot emoji, and she was no longer following anyone and at first I couldn’t see any tweets, though it said she had 5577 tweets. So I thought her account had been hacked.

It’s now more than four months later and the only thing I can see that has changed is the total number of tweets is 5555. So the carrot tweet appeared on 5/5/22 and the total tweets are 5555.

If you look on the Wayback Machine, the last capture was on March 25, 2022. The view I have doesn’t show the number of tweets in March 2022, but if you look at what’s left on her twitter feed, the most recent original tweet showing is dated May 28, 2013 – nine years ago. The tweet reads “Will you people lay off on giving this girl such grief? Shes a beautiful talented young woman, we all go through our ups and downs. grow up!” – from the replies, it seems to be about Amanda Bynes.

Courtney Love tweet 5/28/13 - Will you people lay off on giving this girl such grief? Shes a beautiful talented young woman, we all go through our ups and downs. grow up!

This is what her twitter looked like in March 2022

Courtney Love twitter March 2022

It seems like her account was hacked, but she hasn’t bothered to restart it. It’s possible she did this herself, making it look like her account was hacked, because she thought there might be tweets she needed to delete.

In January 2014 I was watching a lot of Twitter accounts of people linked to the Portland, Seattle, and Olympia music scenes. I’ve talked about some of the giveaways seen, for example in Tobi Vail’s tweets, and in Tad Doyle’s tweets. They never bothered to delete these tweets.

20 January 2014 tweet by Tobi Vail "Laughing in the face of love"
20 January 2014 tweet by Tobi Vail
December 5 2013 tweet by Tad Doyle reads Everyone can be boyght and has their own price threshold. Mind just happens to be pizza with extra cheese and mushrooms.
5 December 2013 tweet by Tad Doyle

Looking at Tobi’s tweet now, it looks like not just a John Lennon or Karma CafĂ© reference, but a Courtney Love reference. There was money everywhere and now, if I go back to Courtney’s twitter from the months leading up to, and right after this event, I can see that she was busy traveling everywhere, meeting with lots of people. Among the places she was, was Las Vegas, and this was also true of Sub Pop who had a convention in Las Vegas, December 2013. There were similar patterns with Mudhoney and K Records who according to a record store employee’s tweet, all showed up (but somehow, separately) in at the same record store in Nashville in November 2013.

I’ve recently looked at Courtney’s tweets around the time of the abduction event via the Wayback Machine and it’s clear that some were deleted before the site was archived. In particular, I recall seeing a tweet appear either on January 25 or 26, 2014 in which Courtney was posing in what looked like a hospital bed with a turtle on her head. (A toy turtle I think.) I found that puzzling, but on the 27th I was abducted and held in a hospital. That tweet is gone. There was another tweet that had been posted earlier that I remember writing an email to Everett True, asking him what he thought it was about, and he said something along the lines of “it’s well known that Courtney and I don’t get along and I can’t be expected to know…” (whatever I was asking him) – that email is now missing, possibly the tweet as well.

What was the turtle about?

It does very much look to me like Courtney had a big hand in setting this scenario up. A question I have been unable to answer is how my mom and Julie Brusca became involved. I suspect that Julie was working with her kids on this. I have reason to believe it was planned out ahead of time to put me into a situation where I would reach out to the Brusca family for help, and that is how the trap was set.

Like Courtney Love, Tony Brusca seems to operate on behalf of the recording industry.

Courtney Love twitter banner 2014

Playing the victim

Sometimes there are “gotcha” moments, but more often, seeing the outlines of the crime is largely about seeing patterns. One of the primary patterns I see is “playing the victim.” This works well when you’ve weaponized and exploited women, children, and Indigenous and black people, as has been done. To be a butterfly is to be exploited. Being exploited makes a person angry. Butterflies are angry, but what I see is they misdirect their anger, probably because it benefits them socially, professionally, and financially. Misdirected revenge becomes a way of life. Also, there is a cultivated culture that elevates deception and opportunism. You are seen as masterful if you can pull the wool over someone’s eyes and take them for all they’ve got, or set wolves after them. Think Harley Quinn.

A huge power move I’ve seen pulled by just about every deceiver in this scenario is playing the victim, and fingering an innocent party as the perpetrator. This is considered a tactic of deception, a legitimate power move.

In those cases where they don’t want to lie directly, they use the power of implication. They don’t say exactly what happened or who was responsible – they let you believe that someone did something – draw your own conclusions and so forth.

I don’t want anything bad to happen to my daughter’s father, but I am aware that in the 1990s he unfairly painted me as unfaithful, or possibly unfaithful. When I was pregnant with our daughter he acted like he didn’t think he was the father, which was completely insane. I’d never given him any reason to think that I’d been unfaithful, and I hadn’t been. I now see that this is part of a bigger pattern. The script came from elsewhere.

Chris’ second wife Denise acted like she thought Chris was being unfaithful because when he was left alone for months at a time he spent time with his ex-wife Valarie, who wouldn’t leave him alone, and/or relapsed on heroin. Chris was never unfaithful to Denise, though she was unfaithful to him, in that she married him fraudulently. She also continually tried to lure him back, even though she really didn’t want him.

Valarie wrote to Chris while he was sick and dying of cancer, “playfully” calling him “pimp daddy” – as if he had pimped her out. Valarie’s life as a prostitute was her doing, not Chris. She dragged Chris into the heroin lifestyle and she dragged him onto the streets. Am I saying Valarie was never exploited? No, I am not saying that. I’m saying Chris did not exploit her. But she never let him forget about their lives in the gutter.

Shortly before Chris died, his sister Becky texted “I forgive you big brother!” – for what, exactly?

I’m not saying that in their time together, Chris had never done anything to hurt Becky – I’m saying that in the entire twelve years I lived with Chris, Becky had never once indicated that she was holding some kind of grudge against him that she’d need to forgive him for, just before his death. To be honest, I think she’s the one who should be asking forgiveness.

I’ve just been reading through Courtney Love’s old tweets. She’s been doing the same thing, indirectly. One of the things she keeps alluding to is being exploited and/or raped in some kind of entertainment industry context – but she has never come out and said what that was. I’ve told the story that Chris told me as completely as I know it, and it is a story of exploitation – but not by Chris. Courtney was a teenager, and she tried to trick Chris into having sex with her. This doesn’t make her “guilty” – but I think that she should come out and say what really happened, and who, EXACTLY was behind it. Stop with the cryptic bullshit.

The crime landscape

The first thing to know is Chris and I were both deceived our whole lives, by everyone around us. It’s clear that our parents were lured, brainwashed, or otherwise convinced to participate in the deception going back, probably to before we were born. Based on how I’ve seen the boomer adults behave, I get the impression they were convinced that it was some kind of “special” thing to bring up their children in a trauma based mind control system. They are proud of it.

Proud of enslaving their own children. This is confusing to me, but maybe they too were deceived.

All while we had no clue what was going on, people positioned themselves around us strategically, planning out the crime of the century, much of which, apparently involved set ups, medical malfeasance, and scripting and filing false reports to the FBI. They sabotaged our efforts to marry and constantly lobbed traps and set ups at us. They took illegal surveillance and peddled it as “porn,” then used it as leverage for control and psychological abuse. No one prevented this. No one protected us. No one even acted like we had rights.

That I began to uncover something odd with Chris’ music history in 2013 was likely no accident. There’s reasons to suspect the entire thing was orchestrated through the mind control system, with the idea of killing Chris and I off via false reports to the weaponized FBI/CIA, collecting spoils, and continuing the crime indefinitely. Meanwhile, I was writing emails to music journalists, writers, trying to figure out why there were so many holes in people’s stories, and not accepting the deflection and weak excuses they were offering. They didn’t like that. They wanted me to swallow the lies and shut up.

The deception has not ended. People are still sticking to the same stories they’ve held onto for decades, even though it’s clear the stories are full of holes.

I am continually re-examining the take-down I experienced while seeking legal advice in January 2014, because it involved so many people, so much finance, and so many moving parts. Mind control technologies were involved. Sub Pop artists seem to have been involved. Courtney Love seems to have been involved. Doctors were involved. My mother was involved. Family friends were involved. I don’t see any evidence that anyone but me, Chris, and my daughter have bore the direct consequences of theses crimes, though I think millions of people have experienced indirect consequences.

For every crime committed that goes unaddressed, the crime organization seems to gain exponentially more power. That is why I say I will fight it until my last breath or until the crime has ended and the crime organization has been shut down.