Back to the 1980s – Peter Gabriel “Big Time”

Before I ended up being diverted and having to talk about the 60s and 70s, etc, I was focused on documenting Chris’ history playing music in clubs in Seattle and Portland though I know he played a fair amount in the SF Bay Area as well – I just don’t know how much, or what clubs I’d been looking at. Anyway, I started to see a strange pattern around Chris’ gigs in Seattle in 1987 and 88 and the beginning of Sub Pop, and I also started to see a strange pattern with regards to Chris’ bands and Nirvana specifically between 1988 and 1991. During those years, Napalm Beach was frequently playing the same clubs as Nirvana, and they would play a week or two apart. As I was looking into this, it seems like things got really weird and I was drawn into covering all this adjacent stuff.

Yes, I would prefer to focus on topics that I think will garner movement, in court. Because I don’t know how else anything will ever get accomplished. I see no reasonable route out of wonderland. It seems like nothing but a crime and murder spree to me. The physical attacks have been ceaseless and the lies exhausting. Roxy is being attacked right now.

It looks to me like Chris was extremely productive between 1980 and 1988. In the late 80s, he began to have issues with drug addiction – first cocaine, then heroin, though he continued to play regularly. Meanwhile, he had been lured into contractual agreements with Jan Celt who was operating a fraudulent operation on behalf of other interests in the music industry and/or FBI/CIA. Celt was another form of honeytrap – he offered friendship, a place to stay sometimes, and he helped put out records, but he didn’t adequately promote or distribute and he also participated in drug use with the band. Chris told me Celt basically let the records sit in his basement. Celt misrepresented his intentions; he insisted on taking all the publishing rights; and when Chris was being threatened by drug dealer over a small amount of money, broke and in fear for his life, Celt forced Chris to sell his Snow Bud and the Flower People catalog under duress, for $6 per song. Valarie had once admitted to me (probably around 2010) that she knew that Celt’s deals were fraudulent. I asked her to write a statement about it and she said she would, but of course she didn’t. That’s how people operate in this take down. They don’t follow through and hope you’ll forget you asked. There were old copies of – I think it was a magazine called Two Louies online, where Celt was quoted as telling a story that was basically the true story, except turning Chris into the Snow Bud character, saying Snow Bud had to sell his catalog to escape a drug dealer. So he was basically bragging about his theft. That online article seems to have vanished, as so much evidence has gone missing over the years. Signs are pretty clear that money is being paid to the FBI to destroy Chris and other artists. The point is – these contracts were fraudulent, some to a really egregious level. And Valarie, who had previously acknowledged this, would not put it into writing, and the moment Chris died (if not before) she lept over to the side of Jan Celt praising him for the work he did with Chris “saving his catalog” etc. Complete lies. She is completely untrustworthy and I believe also on the take.

Jan Celt has worked for decades for Multnomah County Library. Chris has released many albums over the years. A search reveals that the library has exactly one of Chris’ CDs (Fire, Air, and Water); and to my recollection that was also the case years ago. Similarly, EMP in Seattle apparently had a single Napalm Beach flyer on display. Napalm Beach/Snow Bud played more shows in Seattle in the 1980s and 1990s than Green River/Mudhoney and far more shows than many of the other groups who are well known as part of the “Seattle scene” of that era. This is not about sour grapes and a band being “overlooked” and it certainly isn’t about Chris being worthless. If that were the case they wouldn’t be regularly headlining weekend shows as they were. No, this was – and still is – a coordinated take down. And in the local papers – Willamette Week and Portland Mercury – what I’ve seen is they’ve gone from scant mentions to literal erasure, and this happened while Chris was still breathing.

Meanwhile, we have guys like Eric Danielson now trying to turn Chris’ life into some “cautionary tale.”

This stuff is old and it stinks. To me, it feels like endless loops of rape and assault.

The blacklisting and the attacks are out of control.

Back to 1987.

I need to take another look at Sub Pop. They seem like they modeled themselves originally not just on K Records but on other labels like Slash in Los Angeles and Subterranean Records in San Francisco. But they also seem to have been immersed in the occult – maybe all these labels were. I don’t know if that was their idea or if it comes from the CIA and/or bigger components of the recording industry. Courtney Love is a link to the occult and to the CIA. I also think Mike Payne was making deals with them.

Peter Gabriel’s 1987 music video for Big Time describes a path to wealth that seems to be based on Whitey Bulger finance (the last line is about a “bulge” growing bigger). It seems it is linked to doing murders via reports to the FBI. The video begins and ends with the words “Hi there!” Snow Bud seems to be a character traveling underground, popping up at the end “Hi there!” But there’s all this effort to smash him, with concrete blocks and so forth.

Immerwehr/Immerwahr/Immerwar – BLEW

A name kept coming to me over the past few days, awake and asleep – and I understood the name to be Immerwehr which would be German for something like “always weaponized.” When I tried to look it up online, it kept flipping to Immerwahr and specifically a historian named Daniel Immerwahr. Immerwahr would mean “always true.” (True as in truth, rather than fidelity). My understanding is Daniel Immerwahr is a link to something, and being as he was born in 1980, it’s probably about family and/or connections. He does seem to have a famous grandmother called Clara Immerwahr (1870-1915), who, according to Wikipedia, was the first German woman to be awarded a doctorate in chemistry in Germany. Apparently she was a pacifist married to Fritz Haber who was largely responsible for developing the poison gasses used by Germany in World War I. She died by self-inflicted gunshot wound.

This alone links to two things immediately in my mind – first is my mother’s 1990s history doctorate which was in German Women Doctors of the 19th Century. The second was nurses notes in Chris’ hospice records where a nurse claimed that Chris and I had a loud argument (“yelling”) and saying that I said “Something about “she” is responsible for Kurt Cobain’s death and all the chemical warfare in this country” – a concocted and mystifying quote. (The “she” in the quote is I think supposed to be Chris’ sister Becky.)

Sometimes when quotes are concocted in records, they contain hidden truths. I have no idea if something like this is going on.

I also sense a link here to the incident that occurred in February 1974, when my mother’s horse fell into a booby trap, which the sheriffs (I believe disingenously) claimed was a “sinkhole” caused by an “underground stream.” Again – everywhere in that area the soil is packed clay. In fact, I have reason to believe that the Vietnam-era hole was created with explosives and covered up, similar to a military booby trap, and may have involved some of our neighbors working on behalf of the CIA – some of them had military backgrounds (Marines) and some had backgrounds in explosives. Had that incident been investigated properly, it would have been treated as a crime scene and those neighbors would have been questioned. Two months later, the pony incident occurred. Because when you don’t treat a crime as a crime all it does is empower the instigators to do more, and bigger, crimes.

That this booby trap and the pony incident were linked to the color blue has come through again and again.

Six years later, in 1980, Talking Heads released an album called Remain In Light with a song called “Once In A Lifetime” which references “water flowing underground” and features a repeated refrain “same as it always was” – In German Immerwar would men “Always was.”

Based on all of this – chemicals being linked to explosives – the “water flowing under ground” being the explanation given for the hole – and the idea of “always was/immerwar” – I think there’s some kind of connection between the name Immerwahr and the February 1974 booby trap.

still from Talking Heads "Once In A Lifetime" showing blue-green "water" texture behind David Byrne in suit, glasses, bow tie
1980 Talking Heads “Once In A Lifetime

Also – I think there’s a link to season 1 episode 1 of the Barney Miller show “Ramon” – where the police are taken hostage and Barney narrowly escapes being shot, explaining later “A situation like this happens once in a lifetime. You realize what that means? I’m safe for the rest of my lifetime.” (Obviously none of this is true.)

6 January 1989 Nirvana set list
6 January 1989 Nirvana set list – BLEW

In the Nirvana song “Blew” Cobain says

Is there another reason for your stain?
Could you believe who we knew stress or strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame, yeah

Maybe suggesting that those accusing others are hiding something about themselves (“another reason for your stain”). As for a word that rhyme with shame, it could be pain (Payne).

As for Immerwahr, I have the sense that Daniel Immerwahr specifically is linked to manufactured FBI files.

On the audacity of the crime (and Courtney Love)

Taking a moment to reflect on why perpetrators of a crime would be so obvious as to write it into songs, art, etc. Some of this has to do with framing it as a Game, which makes it psychologically more palatable, but I think that a lot of it is a show of power. The defense strategy around this crime is in a lot of ways exactly the opposite of what you usually find. Most people who commit a crime would expect to work with the minimum number of people required to pull something off, and to keep those people as quiet as possible. In this scenario, there is some of that, but there’s also a lot of brazen behavior which I believe is designed to threaten and intimidate. Also, when you get into the occult side of this, there are elements of “magic” in a psychological sense, another type of power display. The magic is actually achieved through the use of psychology, technology, and graft.

This song that was mentioned to me as being a favorite on the Satyricon jukebox, Alien Sex Fiend “I walk the line” appears to be a hypnotic trance inducing type of song, with repeated riffs and lyrics repeating “I walk the line between good and evil” and “my business is a little bit cloak and dagger” It seems like it might be something intended to trigger – let’s just call it Courtney’s butterfly army – to switch from a benign to a weaponized or “evil” personality.

I do, by the way, think that Courtney Love is a very significant figure. At this time, her influence, from my point of view, is growing in my understanding. What I mean is, as I said, she came to Portland with a mission, but she’s been on a mission the whole time, and her art has been a vehicle (and cover) for big financial manipulations. I don’t want to assign her more power than she actually has, but I do think she is literally a type of commander figure, and that she achieved a high position by exploiting and lying about Chris Newman and infiltrating the network around him, and by infiltrating the network around me as well. I said before I think she was involved in both honeytrapping Kurt Cobain, lying about him, and deliberately taking him down, and that she did the same thing to Chris Newman as well. She seems to be very tied into California-style CIA witchy occult attitudes. She seems very tied into the entertainment industry. One of the things she’s doing has been brokering deals for negative reports on Chris, me, and others – deals involving gifts, cash, professional opportunities. I think she sees herself as being very powerful – as a killer – because she is backed by global finance and the CIA (including their weaponized hospital system) and I think she has also weaponized the FBI. I believe she is linked to Whitey Bulger finance and creating routes to success for musicians based on their willingness to stick to the back-stabbing script.

The counter narrative, where people disparage Courtney, looks to me at this time like a put on. It’s a cover, and it actually worked really well on me, because people who complained about Courtney, when questioned, often didn’t have much solid to say to back it up. This had the effect, initially, of making me empathize with her. Courtney was being unfairly targeted, I thought. She was being scapegoated. Now I think the whole thing is deception. Whether people like her or not doesn’t matter. All that matters is that they stick to their part of the script. Sometimes the script calls for disparaging Courtney, sometimes it calls for praising and defending her. In reality she’s a ring leader, and what happened to Kurt Cobain, Elliott Smith, and others involved many, many people who now believe themselves to be dependent on Courtney Love for their own protection. By protection, I mean continued deception, and access to corrupt finance.

There seems to be layers of deception and the training of people to “sleep” on command (assume another personality, pretend to know nothing, etc) – probably helps facilitate this. The reality is that Courtney’s butterfly army is always in danger of meeting a bug zapper, and I really don’t think that bothers Courtney much at all. The following is from my point of view, not even a slight exaggeration: Courtney Love seems to be a person who cares only about money. She is a person who literally does not care about human life. She is, in fact, a person who gains a sense of power knowing she has the ability to take someone out, and she loves to let people know this. She’s done it again and again and again.

Dark Horse

A pattern I’m now seeing is certain set ups referenced repeatedly in media. Why this would happen is something to consider as well. I describe this as a crime but it’s probably seen by many participants as a war for spoils.

With regards to the April 1974 pony incident (and the booby trap incident two months earlier that broke my mother’s back), I believe it was evoked by George Harrison with his references to being a “dark horse.” Also, it’s very clear that Courtney Love was strategically placed in this “war” by her parents from a very early age – her father’s last name is Harrison.

The Dark Horse song and album came out in December 1974. Harrison’s label, Dark Horse Records, had been established earlier that year.

I’m a dark horse
Running on a dark race course
I’m a blue moon
Since I picked up my first spoon
I’ve been a cool jerk
Who’s looking for the source
I’m a dark horse
I thought that you knew it all along
Until you started getting me not right
Seems as if you heard a little late
I warned you when we both was at the starting gate
I’m a dark horse
Running on a dark race course
I’m a blue moon
Since I stepped out of the womb
I’ve been a cool jerk
Who’s looking for his perks
I’m a dark horse

Dark Horse comics, currently the third largest American comics company, was founded in Portland, Oregon 1986.

October 2013 Katy Perry released an album called Prism. Prisms and rainbows seem to be historically linked to mind control, hypnosis, and “sleep.” The famous cover of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon (March 1973) features an image of a triangle-shaped prism refracting white light into a rainbow.

Still from Katy Perry "Dark Horse" video
Katy Perry – Dark Horse

There were several music videos associated with Prism which came out in the months following the album. This is significant, I think, because it was in September 2013 that I’d published the Introducing Napalm Beach article and it was in late January when I’d been chased down and kidnapped, and I know that incident was captured on video, probably beginning to end, and widely distributed through entertainment industry channels.

There is a lot of wanting to pretend that nothing actually happened and no one actually cared or knew anything about what was going on at that time but that’s a huge lie. Lies are what I’m trying to dissolve, and truth is what I’m trying to expose. Katy Perry and her team have always been aware of what was going on with me, and in fact she and they had a lot more information than I did. The video for Katy Perry’s Dark Horse came out February 20, 2014. The Egyptian-fantasy imagery (“Memphis, Egypt – a crazy long time ago…”) describes the structure and plans around what had happened, what was being planned, and evokes the players involved, the links to the occult (“magic”) but in a way that I found very difficult to decipher at the time. It’s dicey for a number of reasons to use media to try to decipher plans in action, even though there are usually clues being dropped.

Jan 6 1989 – photo by Chris Chalenor – later of Dark Horse Comics
Fatboy Slim - "Weapon of Choice" video still showing man hovering in front of an escalator flanked by two large wooden horses

Barney Miller 1975 – Graft

Season 1, Episode 4

Original air date: 13 February 1975

Sgt Yemana: “Honeyspot by Olden Times. Look – six pounds off, blinkers on, with the finest grass jockey in the country. I bet her. The little lady next to me says. “Hey there’s a gray horse with a girl jockey in blue. My two favorite colors.” She wins. I lose.”

This episode is about the slippery slope of police corruption (graft) in the form of gifts or favors given to police officers. Early episodes of Barney Miller describe the framework around us and give clues about how police are involved. I believe this scene is one of many places in 1970s (and later) media referencing the 1974 pony incident. The idea of a “grass jockey” I assume is about a jockey who can ride on grass? But grass also relates to cover ups (grass growing over battlefields) and in this case, an involved party was involved in the underground cannabis trade.

As for the girl in blue on a gray horse – I remember the pony being white. There might be different things this is alluding to – colors blue and gray together immediately evoke the idea of the civil war, in which case it would be the idea of a Union soldier on a southern horse. Blue is also linked to the FBI/CIA and medical field.

The framework around this is Wojo is studying for his test to become Sergeant and asks Yemana whether or not he should enter a home without a warrant when he knows evidence is about to be destroyed inside. Yemana is more focused on his racing form, but at the end, when asked a second time, he replies “don’t go in.”


I’ve recently detailed a couple of events in my life – the 1974 pony incident and the 1991 cliff incident – which could be described as murder attempts. The thing about these incidents, and my earliest memory, from 1969, is they were not murder attempts in the strict sense of the word. More accurately they were set ups, designed to tempt fate. To my understanding, bets were placed. My earliest memory is from – probably November 1969 – and is a similar situation. What I remember is dozing in the back seat of my parents’ Porsché, wrapped in blankets as if in a cocoon, and then there was a big THUMP, and my mother exclaiming “Oh my god, Richard! It was a calf! – Someone put a calf in the road!” Later I heard the story from them. We were traveling in Minnesota somewhere, probably November 1969 – around Thanksgiving time I guess. And my parents were driving down the highway (or something) and someone had placed a calf in the middle of the road, which they hit, and there was a big bump (what I remember) but they sailed over and were able to continue driving, which is good, because the circa 1960 Porsche was very low-slung.

parent's circa 1960 Porsche near snow bank 1969
1969 Minneapolis

1969 seems to have been an important year. I was born March 29, 1968. My cousin Joanna was born in August 21, 1969. If anything were to happen to me, and if my mom, who was only 24, had no more daughters, the “girl scion” would have slopped over to my cousin Joanna, who’s mother, Joan, was only 22. So it isn’t hard to see that 1969 might be a year of set ups, partying, and chance-taking at our expense.

There are several songs with 1969 as their topic: Iggy Pop’s “1969” (or even Iggy’s song “1970” which is about 1970 “coming in sight”), Bryan Adams “Summer of ’69”, Sonic Youth “Death Valley ’69,” and Babes In Toyland “Sweet ’69” (in which “69” is interchanged with “65”).

I had a dream that connected the placement of Courtney Love (who was born in 1964 I think) with the concert at Altamont December 6, 1969.

Poster for UW First Annual Spring Flush 1969 featuring a pink butterfly
1969 Seattle