By this point it’s clear that there is essentially a war going on within the music and entertainment industry involving a lot of deception, opportunism, and high finance – people who care not artistic legacy or artists in general, but about power, money, and control. And to this end, they’ve weaponized both crime gangs like that of Whitey Bulger and others – and the US federal government. By which I mean, this relationship between Whitey Bulger and the FBI clearly involves multiple interested and paying parties, including the recording and entertainment industry.
To this end, the way I’d grown accustomed to thinking about artist control and presentation, and about the role of historical documentation – is evolving, because all of this has been weaponized. I’m seeing a very strong pattern now of people positioned as curators, actually acting as thieves and destroyers. Why, and how, would this happen?
It seems to be part of a bigger strategy of control and finance.
It’s really tempting to believe that other people around you are motivated by the same things you’re motivated by. People who are motivated by power or money often believe that others are motivated by the same things. In my case, I am motivated by a desire to protect and uplift art and artists, and to this end, to support freedom of expression, to cultivate safe and stimulating spaces for artists to work, to respect artists’ wishes (within reason) in how they want themselves and their work to presented, to protect artists from damaging and exploitive influences. What I’ve learned is that there are people – and venues – who profess to having this as a goal, but who are actually using this kind of thing as a pretense to feather an attractive, backroom-financed trap. This is what I’m coming to realize, Satyricon was.
It doesn’t mean great art can’t come out of these places – they are venues or back drops for other things that are happening – it just means that for me, in the here and now, there’s a lot of complexity. It means that people linked to these venues and the scenes within them have misrepresented themselves to me for years, and it means they misrepresented themselves to Chris for decades.
In addition to protecting artists safety and their right to control their own work – to be seen when and how they want to be seen and private when and how they want to be private (all within reason of course) – my interest has also been in preserving history, and my assumption has been that people would like history to be preserved and accessible to future generations, that this is a good thing. That it is important to tell different sides of history, and to document and report it as accurately as possible, because this will help future generations (in this case, future generations of artists) chart their own course more safely and successfully, as well as giving homage to the generations who came before, because for an artist, artistic expression is so important. In Chris Newman’s case, his music really was everything to him. He was willing to sacrifice normal comforts and other things that people expect out of life, in order to put forth his music. I think that artists like him who work in the medium of rock and roll really want to be seen and understood in a way that strips away all the superficial B.S. that weigh a person down – social expectations, judgements, petty attitudes. Chris and I saw eye to eye on this and we assumed others involved in art and music would see things the same way, but we didn’t know, and no one told us about all these other forces, and how closely and thoroughly they’d infiltrated our world.
The result of this is that I’m now looking at a world in which it seems that various people are essentially pouring acid over history, trying to dissolve it away, so that only certain artists are left standing – and those artists seem to be in the pockets of more powerful entities. A lot of those artists are dead and basically just revenue streams.
A big part of this is achieved through curation.
I guess you could say that I’m looking at a lower layer now of the world, and it really changes the way I understand things. It is forcing me to reexamine a lot of my assumptions about people, their behavior, and their motivations.
This is my documentation of the cliff or ledge incident that took place on June 8, 1991, near Bluff Creek. I have stuff about this in my journals, which are useful for dates and other details. I’ve read through the journals recently and I may go back and edit or create a new entry if I go back and find more information, but I remember this well enough by now I’m just going to tell the story as I recall it.
I was going out with a guy named Ben. I was 23, and he was 30. Ben was a honey trap. We both worked at the Humboldt Brewery at 10th and I Street in Arcata. I guess Ben had gotten some LSD in liquid form from another cook there, probably a guy named Don. He put it (whatever the dosage was) on sugar cubes. I was at a place in my life where I was into spiritual experiences and from that angle, I was still interested in psychedelics. I didn’t go out in search of these drugs, but when they were presented to me, I would often take them.
Legal and purity issues aside, I do think it’s at least theoretically possible to responsibly use or experiment with psychedelic drugs such as LSD, but that would be in a safe place and it would involve having someone around who isn’t using the drug, and obviously, directed energy and mind control frequency weapons wouldn’t be involved. This is not how I took LSD the half dozen times I took it between the ages of 18 and 23.
It seems to have been no accident that LSD was around me growing up. Even though I didn’t try it until I was 18, which was older than most of my friends who had tried it in high school, I had been reading about it since I was 12 years old. The first time I can remember reading about LSD was in my standard curriculum sixth grade science book at Freshwater School, and honestly, they made it sound really interesting. Then I thought it must be really terrible, and then I started reading books I found from the 1950s and 1960s, when LSD was still legal, describing experiments done with LSD, and I became interested in it again.
It seems like there is a lot of mis- and disinformation about LSD. I don’t know if flashbacks are real; I’ve never had one. There have been allegations that LSD can make a person permanently insane. I’ve never seen convincing evidence. There are allegations that LSD can cause brain injury. Again, I’ve never seen evidence. I do know that directed energy weapons can create a number of dramatic effects to the brain, and that the same people who have been involved in LSD have generally been affected by frequency based weaponry as well, being as both LSD and frequency based weapons are linked to the CIA. And of course any drug can be impure, and also, I don’t know how well LSD has been tested for safety, but it seems to have been used by a lot of people. The real problem with LSD, I think, is perception control, impulse control, decision making. That’s why you’re supposed to have a non-using guide.
Ben and I both enjoyed camping, so we planned to go camping and take the LSD at that time. A few days before we left, we went to breakfast at a restaurant called Crosswinds near where we worked. I noticed a painting on the wall I’d never seen before. It showed a river channel with water coming in from four directions, swirling together in a ring or vortex in the middle.
At the time there were two adjacent campgrounds run by the National Forest Service, Aikens Creek and Bluff Creek. We camped on the night of Friday June 7 at one of those campgrounds (Bluff Creek I think), and in the morning of June 8th we took this LSD and walked down to the beach together.
My memory is that this was one of the first really warm weekends of the year, and the river was full of water from mountain snow melt. By the time we started down the trail to the riverbank, I felt the effects of strong LSD coming on. We started to walk along the river. At some point along the river I noticed that the water appeared to be swirling in from four directions, forming a vortex in the middle, just like I’d seen on the painting earlier, and it also had weird auditory effects. Other than this thought of putting one foot in front of the other – walking, climbing, and following along a path – I don’t remember anything between staring at the water vortex and when I “came to” atop a steep and narrow ledge high above a rocky riverbank.. I looked down and suddenly realized that if I slipped off this narrow ledge I’d be seriously injured or killed. The only other person around was Ben, down on the riverbank, high on LSD, and we were miles from any hospital. It was a bad situation. I had to back down the direction from which I’d come to a place of safety. The soil was loose leaf-covered shale and it was a don’t look down or you’ll freeze kind of situation.
Without looking down past the ledge, I carefully made it back to safety. After this I decided I was done using LSD. I never used it after that, although people continued to present it.
For a number of reasons, I understand now that this was a set up situation, that I’d been deliberately put into a trance and had been under the influence of frequency-based mind control technologies. It also seems that, as with the 1974 pony incident, people may have been placing bets on my chances of survival, and it may have been monetized in other ways as well.
Among those who had a financial stake in this set up seems to have been music industry linked people in Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles. Also there seems to have been a Whitey Bulger connection via FBI informant networks.
I do believe that Ben was directly and consciously involved, but not the mastermind of the incident. Though he had grown up in Las Vegas, I met him in Minneapolis, and it’s increasingly clear that anyone linked to Minneapolis could be linked to Courtney Love and Seattle.
June 8, 1991 – high/low tempsJune 8, 1991 – pressure systemsCrosswinds restaurant 2018 Arcata, California Google Maps street view
I think that day, June 8, 1991, may have been the first time I’d been to that particular part of the Klamath River. I’ve been back several times since, and never again did I see that strange vortex in the water. I don’t think it was my imagination – I think the water was really swirling in a circle, and that it had to do with the amount of water that was in the river at that time, which was higher than normal, due to recent snow melt.
So why had I seen a painting at Crosswinds before showing a vortex in the water, very similar to what I’d seen at that remote location upriver? I’ll first mention where my head was at back then – things like this happened to me fairly frequently. Dreaming of a person I’d never met, then meeting that same person for the first time the following day, for example. I had no framework for explaining this, other than what had been provided for me growing up as an avid reader in 1970s Northern California – my dad being a scientist and also being surrounded by the remnants of flower power culture – I figured it was just one of those strange unexplainable phenomena – something in the air? I believed in “spirits” back then in a way I don’t today. Things like that were my most accessible explanation. Also, at the time I didn’t think about this incident much. I was just glad I’d made it out alive and I figured that I’d solve my problem by not taking LSD anymore.
Now I think it is a key that should in fact be parsed.
Because of the way all of this works, there’s always the possibility that things like this happen because some outside hand is controlling everything and the painter had no idea, and the restaurant had no idea. That’s possible, but I will not allow that the entire thing was a coincidence.
I do think that the water flow in the river was being “managed” to create a phenomena that they knew they could create with the right amount of water. Putting more water in the river can be achieved in there different ways that I know of: rain, snow melt, and releases from dams upriver. I don’t recall the rain patterns at that time, but early in the year, paradoxically, sudden warming can increase water flow, because of mountain snow melt, and there had been a sudden warming. Dam releases are obviously controlled by the federal government, I think via Fish and Wildlife (back then called Fish and Game), part of the Department of the Interior. The land we were on was, to my understanding, National Park Service land, also controlled by the federal government. Now that I understand, first that frequency based weapons exist at all, and second, the basics about how they work, and the kinds of effects they can be used to create, I know that they can in fact be used to modify weather, including temperature and rainfall. I could go into a long explanation of how I know this, but I know it.
There are more things around this incident to tell me that the whole thing was very much set up, very much controlled, and very much involved active participation by US government entities. I’ve documented them, but since they’re subjective information, I’ll leave that for now.
As to why the water would be modified in this way, to create this swirling vortex,I think there are a number of reasons. One is that there is an occult angle to all of this, and shapes, colors, natural features all seem to have meaning. There is a fascination with, for example, cone shaped mountains like the ones that were around me – and are mimicked by Crosswinds’ Victorian turrets. Spirals, holes, canyons, cliffs, and vortexes are also meaningful. But there’s also something else going on which is mesmerism. It seems like the power of hypnosis and trance states has been known and exploited in different ways for a very long time, and that one way to involuntarily hypnotize someone is to have them stare at moving water, or moving leaves, or to listen to a repetitive sound, like the sound of the water whooshing around a river canyon vortex. And indeed, my memory blanked out between the time I watched the river vortex and the time I came to on the cliff.
A question I have is, what if I’d fallen and died in the fall? Would it be said that I’d tried to commit suicide? Would it be said that I thought I could fly? I suspect something like that.
Crosswinds Restaurant 1991 Photographer: John Margolies source: Library of Congress
Even though I can’t yet answer this question, I think it’s also worth asking who or what was behind the painting in the restaurant. Crosswinds was sort of a typical California “hippie restaurant” (the breakfasts were really good by the way – I can picture them now – piles of veggies and potatoes topped with eggs and local cheddar) – but thinking back, it was the site of a couple weird memories, one linked to Bret Bowman, my friend who had been hit by a car while on LSD and spent around 15 years in a coma, and one linked to Mike Patton climbing the latter of success in the music business (every one of these stories seems to link to multiple others).
Pattern-wise, there is missing piece for me with these attacks which is, if it is true that these attacks I experience are linked to negative reporting to the FBI (which I now think is done via telephone? – but that still leaves a lot of questions – who do they call? What kinds of things does the FBI want to hear? Do they want stories that are true or do they just want stories?) – then how is that people seem to know the form that the retaliations are going to take? How do they seem to know, for example, that my cat is going to be tortured with microwave weapons? How did they know in 2013 I’d be chased down on the highway with infrared equipped vehicles, kidnapped by sheriffs, and put on a medical hold for being “dangerous”?
5 December 2013 “Infrared Riding Hood” Tad Doyle tweet saying “everyone can be bought”20 January 2014 blog comment “I’m afraid that you may become a danger to yourself and others”14 March 2022 SE Portland – sticker shows mushroom-covered cat with text reading “secret stash”
This may actually be a very important question, because if this all black bag ops instigated because of reports given to federal agencies, they presumably wouldn’t be sending out a newsletter describing their attack plans – or a menu asking people to choose what attack they want to happen next. Yet either one or both of these things seems to be happening. Either everyone in the communities where we live has been deputized and put into a “circle of trust” by the FBI and/or CIA, or there’s another group or groups operating as a middleman, involved in or informed of attack plans, or both.
Was Crosswinds Restaurant a link between Whitey Bulger finance FBI files? What I mean is, did Bulger, who likely was linked to the CIA, run a paid chain of command of informants managing flow of information to and from the FBI? And was Crosswinds Restaurant a channel for some of this financing? In which case, they and people connected with them may well have known what kinds of thing the FBI was planning. It appears that Bulger had groups of people channeling information to the FBI (in this case, reporting whatever FBI/CIA/entertainment industry wanted to hear about me, whether truth or lie), but also paid the FBI for which information and other services on behalf of him and his clients – clients which may have included various gangsters and forces within the entertainment industry.
It is not clear to me why Pamela Courson or maybe moreso her mother Penny are significant but it seems like they are. Pamela Courson was Jim Morrison’s common law wife. Jim Morrison’s father was (according to Wikipedia) a rear admiral in the US Navy, and commanded U.S. naval forces during the Gulf of Tonkin incident in August 1964. Pamela Courson’s father, Corky, was a carrier pilot in the Navy during World War II who then became a teacher and administrator in Orange County, California. Jim Morrison died at age 27 in 1971, and Pamela Courson also died at age 27 in 1974. Pamela Courson’s mother, Penny, died at age 90, on Chris’ 61st birthday, July 11, 2014. Her maiden name was Schmidt – her father having been born in Vienna, Austria and her mother having been born in Chicago, Illinois.
North Curson Avenue, Los Angeles
That this family was significant in some way came to me while I was looking at an address on Curson Avenue in Los Angeles, with the sense that the significant part of this street is the part the ends in the hills, in an area called Cactus Canyon Trail.
By looking at the basic information around this family, I see a pattern, and an anomaly. Both of these are things I’ve learned to pay attention to. I know that the Navy is linked to frequency-based weaponry. That’s a pattern, and another pattern has to do with Chicago – maybe people from Chicago moving to the west coast – and another pattern has to do with Germany and Austria and older links to occult psychology or mind control, whatever you want to call it. Hypnosis, mesmerism, etc.
The anomaly I see is that Pamela Courson was born in 1946 in Weed, California. That is near Mt Shasta.
I said before that there’s a lot of misdirection and disinformation around the history of CIA mind control. I am aware that Mt Shasta is supposed to be the location of some secret research in this regard, and I suspect there’s some truth to it, but I also think that there are a lot of lies around it. Most of this stuff shows up on the Internet and then either disappears or is buried by Google.
Generally speaking, there does seem to be a pattern of weird or occult activities in California around certain mountains and/or military bases, and everywhere there are certain places that are linked by names. Names like Aurora, Evergreen, Edgewood, and Aberdeen seem to pop up again and again.
There is an area near Mt Shasta called Edgewood, and from my perspective, that’s as good evidence as any that there are mind control activities going on in the area.
The family may linked to finance from gangster activities. My experience is that it is often the people you least expect – in this case, a family of school teachers – who are most deeply involved in covert activities of this type. Actually, school teachers come up a lot.
The phrase “Pamela Courson FBI files” keeps coming to me – and “global snickbait gruber”
Taking a moment just to channel –
Stupid Annie snickbait gruber FBI files Lemony MGM files Lemony timpanicking CGI Hopeful Annie Ssickbait CGA Cancer causing timpanicking gruber CIA Lemony Anne Bolyn files CFA CIA FBI files CFI Lemony Anne Boleyn timpanicking gruber FLA CIA CFI CGI Global witchcraft gruber FBA CAI FBI CIA CDC FDA Snickbait indemnifier CIA Hopeful Annie snickbait CDA
In the previous blog I mentioned a “pony incident” as one of the life-threatening set ups I experienced in my life. I know I’ve talked about this in YouTube videos going back to 2019 but since I’m blogging now I may as well write it out as well. This occurred when I was six years old, and a lot of things of this sort are aimed at children, very old people, and animals so I think that kind of shows that the idea that these attacks are some kind of justifiable punishment or behavior modification program is a complete farce. It’s really more about trauma, control, profiteering, and the sick pleasures certain depraved souls get from activities like this.
One of the ways to discern that any given incident is a set up is by matches – linked names, dates, or similar incidents. In this case, the incident occurred at my schoolmate Allison Pettit’s home (apparently she later changed the spelling of her first name to Alyson) – for her 6th birthday. This would have been around April 30, 1974. I had myself just turned six a month earlier.
Alyson was from a family who loved horses and riding, they did trail rides, rode in parades, and when Alyson was older she rode in gymkhanas. According to her obituary, the first horse she rode was named “Hot Lightening.” When we were young children, my memory is that Alyson had two white ponies, which I often saw outside her home on Indianola Cutoff, driving by.
Two months earlier, in February, my mom had been riding her horse on the trails around Redmond Road when her horse fell into – the story was “a sinkhole” caused by “an underground stream.” My mom broke her back in the incident and her horse survived but had to be pulled out of the hole with a winch. Fortunately my mother recovered, though it took some time. It was only in 2018 when I started to think about all of this that I realized that the ground all around us was clay, and I’d never heard about any “sinkholes” anywhere else in the region. It had to have been a booby trap. And furthermore, it seems like my parents would have had to have known that.
My mom was probably still recovering at home when I went to Alyson’s birthday party. As part of the party, the children were permitted to take turns riding Alyson’s white pony. We lined up, were put on the pony, and permitted to ride the pony several times around a corral. I went after several other children who didn’t just walk the pony around, they kicked the pony to a trot, maybe even a gallop (at this time, it’s really hard for me to believe they let kindergarteners do this, but they did). I had ridden a pony on a lead before, but I don’t think I’d ever ridden by myself. When it was my turn, I did what the other children had done, kicked the pony to a trot, maybe a canter. I have a memory of how the gallop felt so much smoother than a trot. Everything was going great until saddle went sideways and I found myself hanging from a stirrup as the horse continued along. My life – a highlight reel of all six years – flashed before my eyes like a slideshow. Then my foot released from the stirrup and I landed on the ground unharmed.
I don’t remember who picked me up after the party, probably it was my dad. I do remember someone explaining, casually, that the pony must have held its breath, as horses, they say, sometimes do, so the saddle cinch wouldn’t be so tight, and they’d neglected to re-check the cinch, and that I just got unlucky as the saddle happened to slip while I was riding. I accepted this as reality until I realized that these incidents happen in matched sets, and in this context, it’s unlikely that I just happened to experience a life threatening incident with a horse only two months after my mother’s horse had fallen into a hole on a trail.
I have a lot of memories from this period of time. I even remember the first time I met Alyson on the first day of kindergarten, and how she was crying so hard she blew a snot bubble out of her nose, which made her start laughing. I remember that we were placed on the pony by a young man. In 2018 I had a dream that seemed to reveal the name of the man as Floyd Greenleaf. I recognized the name Greenleaf as being linked to a family who sold marijuana. I looked up the name Floyd Greenleaf saw that it belongs to a man who have been around 23 years old at that time.
Alyson’s last name, Pettit, is the same last name as Chris’ first live-in girlfriend, Kim Pettit, though they pronounced their names differently. I don’t know exactly when Chris and Kim got together but I suspect it was sometime between 1974 and 1976. Alyson seems to have died in 2010. Her obituary is published online. She would have only been 42 years old.
There’s a stack of red envelopes Thereā²s a list of demands The blood is on your hands The blood is on your hands The blood is on your hands
Walking Papers “Red Envelopes” 2013
As I mentioned earlier, I watched this film today, Whitey: United States of America v. James J. Bulger (2014). I will say that I’m having an incredibly difficult time writing this entry as my cat is being tortured via biomedical implants, seeking comfort from me, biting my hands as I try to type. I have sent a cease and desist letter to the FBI over this, and I’ve filed a tort claims act, and the behavior has not stopped.
This movie was informative in the way it described how an organized crime group, Whitey Bulger’s Winter Hill Gang, was able to infiltrate and weaponize the FBI through the FBI’s own informant system. The FBI, for their part, seems to have attempted to cover this up by misconstruing how they were working with Bulger, even to the point of falsifying records (sounds familiar).
That said, there were clearly things the film makers knew about Bulger and the FBI but weren’t saying, except between the lines. As far as what I can discern about how Bulger was working with the FBI, is it seemed like he was using a system of informants who were feeding information to the FBI about rival groups like the Italian Mafia, thus weaponizing the FBI to take out his rivals and allowing his gang to fill the vacuum, but I think that what was also going on is that he was getting information from the FBI about – and possibly from – hidden listening devices, thus enabling him to get information about rival gangsters, and also enabling Bulger to stay a step ahead of non-corrupted forces within the FBI who were trying to gather evidence on criminal activities of the Winter Hill Gang. For their services, Bulger was regularly paying police and FBI officers, typically with cash in envelopes. And every Christmas, it sound like, he gave out bonuses.
That’s what was being said overtly. But there were things that were left out, and there was a lot of stuff left unsaid, but alluded to through the use of music and in interviews, through word choice. Based on that, I think that the gist is that Bulger’s relationship with the FBI was deeper than was being described here. What was being left out is that this relationship likely included the CIA and MKULTRA linked activities.
Bulger does seem to have told some truths about his history with the FBI and CIA, both, but not a full truth. No one ever seems to tell a full truth. Bulger apparently was a subject of CIA MKULTRA LSD-based “experiments” dating back to 1957. Based on descriptions of these experiments, I’m of the opinion that almost none of these experiments involved “just” LSD. They also involved frequency-based weapons systems, probably almost always. Similarly, every time I tried LSD, which was probably half a dozen times between the age of 18 and 23, I am now aware that frequency based technologies were also used on me. Given, frequency based technologies are used on me anyway – but with drugs like LSD they seem to be able to amplify certain effects, like trance states.
Bulger was aware that he was taking part in some kind of experiment, though clearly there was a lot that he wasn’t told, and also, it’s clear that they were torturing and psycholgically terrorizing these prisoners. But what was being left out? Something was.
I say this because Bulger seems to have essentially been weaponized by the CIA, similar to the way people around me have been weaponized, and this may actually be the reason why he was allowed to operate as he did, almost turning the FBI into a criminal puppet via a system of informants giving information to, and receiving information from, the FBI.
Bulger has written about how, after his MKULTRA experience, he hated LSD so much, he would never allow an LSD dealer anywhere around his turf. I think this is misdirection. In fact I suspect that Bulger may have been linked in some way to some of the dirtier tricks around LSD, including the cliff “experiment” that was done to me on June 8, 1991.
I suspect that one of the things Bulger was doing, with the blessing of the CIA and FBI, was distributing malfeasance-linked finance to different centers around the country. I think this includes gas and oil industry finance, maybe concrete, timber, and construction-linked finance, and other financing of this type. This may also have had links to bookmaking as I have the sense that the set ups around me involved people – including people in law enforcement – placing bets on whether I’d survive any given incident (the white pony incident of 1974 was alluded to in an early Barney Miller episode – obviously there are entertainment industry links). This kind of financing also seems to be linked to various gangs (including biker gangs) though I’m not sure what their role is, exactly – distribution? trafficking? enforcement? Some of this seems to have to do with reports to the FBI – that people around me who are empowered to give reports to the FBI, are obligated to give bad reports, and that these reports are scripted, and that the FBI knows this, and may even be writing the script – and that everyone is getting paid for this (“red envelopes”)
Normal informants for the FBI, as I understand it, are either working as part of a plea bargain agreement, or for pay. By paying the FBI, Bulger was involved in a reversal of the system. He claims that he was the one calling the shots, but I suspect the was working as part of a larger team, a team that is still thriving to this day.