Backlash – June 1989
“Welcome to Nirvana’s Nightmare”
In a recent entry, as an afterthought, I published a photo from the a copy of Backlash. And then it occurred to me that there is more to see here.
Backlash was a rock-oriented Seattle paper published between 1987 and 1991. According to their Facebook page “Dawn Anderson also published Backfire, 1983-84, and another zine called Backfire in 1997-2003.”
Several years ago, we were gifted an original copy of the June 1989 Backlash. It is yet another possession that seems to have vanished. However, I still had some scans hidden away in nooks and crannies, somehow avoiding the (FBI) wiping machine. I guess now is as good a time as any to publish them – I’m publishing here everything I have left. This copy of Backlash was supposed to be focused entirely on Oregon music, and I think that aside from paid advertisements, the Oregon focus was maintained throughout most of the magazine, with the exception of an review of Nirvana’s first album, Bleach. I noticed this anomaly from the beginning, but now I’m beginning to wonder if there’s something meaningful behind it. Look at which band is on the cover.

“At this point in time, Simon wanted me to mention that all old Napalm Beach bass players move to Seattle and get married.”
To recap – I am alleging that both Kurt Cobain and Chris Newman were murdered via a system of malfeasance that includes set ups, lies, secret FBI files, and biomedical implants used to manipulate behaviors and create diseases including chronic diseases like chronic pain (Kurt) and asthma (Chris) and terminal diseases like cancer as well as terminal behaviors like suicide. And I’m also alleging that these murders are planned out long ahead of time. So therefore, one has to consider whether the choice to put The Obituaries on the newspaper cover was influenced in some way by these advance plans. The tricky thing about this, is the biomedical implants can be used to make people appear to do something deliberate that isn’t deliberate at all – but I suspect putting the Obituaries on the cover was a deliberate death reference. I suspect Dawn Anderson among others knew there was a plan to murder both Chris Newman and Kurt Cobain via the filing of false and defamatory reports to the FBI.
I have never met Backlash editor/publisher Dawn Anderson. My statements are entirely based on observations of patterns and in this case, inductive reasoning. In other words, I’m not just talking about this one edition of this one paper. I’m saying there seems to have been a pattern of implied threats around Kurt Cobain that (unlike Chris) he would have picked up on. I have thoughts and ideas about why this would be going on – basically, at this point I think the issue was something like the following
- Chris Newman was already marked by this community and others for destruction and death.
- Kurt Cobain knew this, and was against it. This is clear to me from his lyrics.
- Kurt Cobain was picked out at some point for rock stardom, where his rise would parallel Chris’ fall. I don’t know if he knew this or not, but I suspect at some point he did.
- Kurt Cobain was also marked out for death, but I don’t know when this happened, or what the reasoning was. (Usually there’s something you’re supposed to think, and hidden behind that, the actual reason.)
Likely the plans for murdering these two artists were mostly about control and profiteering – continuing a very destructive and profitable crime. To this end, finance was coming in from around the world. Sub Pop (as well as K Records) seems to have had a particular link to the UK record business.