I said earlier I thought I’d find things alluding to Cobain’s suicide in the days after the suicide and before his body was “found,” and I did. But these items that are in the same issue as his obituary are standing out to me right now. It’s the involvement of the medical systems. Cobain, like Chris Newman, was killed by a weaponized medical system. “Famous Blue Raincoat” Aunt Marge is part of that system.
The nastiness of the community around this – and make no mistake – people have been NASTY about Cobain – is likely part of this system as well. Folks around here, likely under the influence of biomedical mind control, often pretend to love, respect, admire the same people they sacrifice, with lies, to the FBI/CIA/hospital weapons globally-financed assassination system. It’s pretty atrocious.
There are many nonconsensually placed piezo-electrical biomedical implants in my body. This is true of many people, though I think I have more than most. I believe that they are linked to the US Department of Justice / FBI and to the CIA and/or military sources, and that is the primary reason the situation is not being addressed properly. Furthermore, I believe this, along with financial string pulling and mind control activities (social engineering) is why I have such difficulty obtaining legal counsel, even when I have an excellent case with the potential for millions if not billions in damages because of the pain, suffering, damage to reputation, profiteering, intellectual property theft.
It is not even a slight exaggeration to call this a threat to democracy, not just in the US and worldwide. It also is creating the danger of environmental catastrophe, even a planet shifting catastrophe or series catastrophes, because of the power and reach of these weapons systems, and because biological warfare, including use of pandemics, is also part of this.
It was no accident that the 9/11 attacks were followed by anthrax attacks. It’s all part of the same deadly machine, and the longer it goes unchecked, the worse it gets.
The kangaroo court set up around this is exactly that. I keep feeling pushed to participate in this “court” process even though it’s pretty obviously a ticket to nowhere. Meanwhile, the criminal courts are on the wrong side of the law, and civil courts have statute of limitation issues that are really hard to deal with when you are having a difficult time figuring out what is going on and how to prove it, and attorneys won’t speak with you, or they deliberately mislead you, and also you are suffering from constant physical retaliations through these biomedical implants. This is a crime and it belongs in a criminal court, and I think it belongs in an open court, not hidden. Witnesses need to speak PUBLICALLY and be questioned PUBLICALLY under oath and under (real, not pretend) penalty of pergury, and when that happens I guarantee the entire mess will collapse in minutes.
There are ways that the implant networks are used to transmit information directly to a person, like radio telepathy. I experience this every day. But that also can be misleading, because the information one receives can only be as good as the sender makes it, and there has been a lot of mind control interwoven into this. They want me to play a game I can’t win.
Meanwhile, I’ve been struggling to figure out a system that everyone around me seems to treat as second nature – except it’s clear that people get fooled all the time. We are FAR from the only ones who have been befriended by people with evil intent. In a lot of cases it seems to be about using and then eliminating as many people around you who you might see as a potential threat to you and your goals. This is why, and how, so many people in the Northwest, especially in the music scenes, die young, especially of cancer. I’ve known this for some time, but what has been very frustrating to me is exactly how it works. Because if I can’t prove or show logically at least how it works, then it just feeds into this pre-planned cover up narrative that I’m a crazy person.
For a long time the idea was pushed hard to me that it went like this – I was given a name of a person I knew, and a name of someone in the community who had recently died, and told that person A killed person B – but if person B died of a heart attack, how does that work exactly? I know that the heart attacks are created by biomedical implants – but does that mean the person A had direct access to the technology used to kill person B? For a long time I had no other information to work from and I thought that was what was going on. Then, after Chris got sick, the message came to me very strong that it was the FBI that did this to him. But if so, how, and why?
sticker seen in Portland 2017
After that, it became about FBI files and finance run through certain channels (aka “grubers”) connecting entities that you might not otherwise expect to be connected, such as Starbucks and the FBI. Then it started to be pushed that the finance is paying for “FBI files” – set ups and false/salacious/manufactured stories purchased from people who may or may not know us, by global financial sources, and then passed on to the FBI/CIA who would the use these stories as covert justification for black bag ops murder through this piezoelectrical CGI. Hospitals and other institutions are involved in this and collecting lots of money for treating the diseases they help cause, and also they’re negotiating other deals on top of it such as massive donations, new cancer centers, etc.
The FBI and CIA are not comprised of idiots. They know what is in the US constitution and how a justice system is supposed to work, which is one reason why they are so vehemently covering this up, and voicing subtle threats to anyone who threatens to expose this criminal activity – like FBI Director Christopher Wray has done when he describes taking agents to visit the 9/11 memorial and feel it in their “heart” and “gut.” I’m going from memory as this clip is now behind a paywall https://www.cbsnews.com/video/fbi-director-christopher-wray-on-why-agents-in-training-visit-911-memorial/
So imagine me trying to bring cases to civil court with no law degree, no lawyer, no privacy which is necessary for attorney client privilege or to even reasonably put together a case, evidence that requires some careful consideration and pattern recognition, with all of these trusted institutions and professionals having built a – probably decades-long – fake paper trail, and all of them lying through their teeth.
Is this what democracy looks like?
Now the idea is pushed to me that it’s the FBI creating these files, and the people in the community are feeding this stuff to the FBI with the obvious goal of getting away with a big, lucrative, and very damaging crime. The police and FBI are I believe trying to pretend they are acting as objective “referee” types in a legitimate covert “game” but none of this is even close to reality.
Do you know how many people are sitting in US state and federal prisons loaded to the gills with piezeo-electrical biomedical CGI which was used to manipulate them remotely specifically so they would commit a terrible crime or crimes?
I’m guessing you don’t. Neither do I.
Do you know how many people have died of horrible but lucrative diseases because they had been laced up with biomedical CGI? Do you know how many girls and women have been raped and murdered, how many mass shootings have occurred, how many global security incidents, how many wars have been instigated by this technology?
Neither do I.
When this is exposed, and it will be exposed, the Justice Department will have a tremendous reckoning. There is no way they don’t know this, and it appears that their response is to bury their heads in the sand and keep kicking the can down the road, because this is what has worked already for generations.
But when it is publicly exposed, when it is written about in major media outlets, or through some other channel that may not even exist yet, at best, we’ll be forced to rethink the entire prison system. If every inmate is tested for biomedical CGI and many, most, or all of them are found to have implants that can be used to control behaviors – what then?
I really want to know the answer.
I think that how hard the government works to bury this versus whether they try to remedy the problem speaks to how much of a chance our democracy has the chance to survive the next decade or three.