What was the motivation to elevate, then destroy Kurt Cobain?
And the sky was all violet
Courtney Love – Hole – Violet – 1994
I want it again, but violent, more violent
Yeah, I’m the one with no soul
One above and one below
One of the things I’m trying to parse is the motivation to lift up, then destroy Kurt Cobain, and to involve Courtney Love in that endeavor. Because that’s what I think happened. I think that based on the way Nirvana was run parallel to Napalm Beach between 1987 and 1991 (I don’t know if I’ve fully shown that, but I’ve seen it) – and the movements of Courtney Love, from the Napalm Beach band house, to the UK, back to Portland, to San Francisco (this may have been Rozz-related, but there are a lot of people linked to San Francisco including some around me), back to Europe, making Straight to Hell and Sid and Nancy in 1986… during this period of time, she was always back and forth to Portland. Kat Bjelland’s band Venarays was playing around Portland and Seattle a lot in 1986 and 87; Bjelland probably moved to Minneapolis in 1987 and Love followed her (so the story goes) in 1988.
For my part, I left Humboldt County and started going to school in St Paul, across the river from Minneapolis, in late 1987. (Again – I’d wanted to go to school at Evergreen in Olympia.) My boyfriend Mike Payne showed up in June 1988 and we moved to Dinkytown in Minneapolis where he lived with me until November. The girl that I considered my best friend was Erika Schlaeger. She lived in a warehouse space downtown and she knew everyone in Babes in Toyland and I later found out she knew Courtney Love as well.
All of the people I thought were my friends (as well as Mike Payne) apparently turned out to be backstabbers, filing false reports with the FBI. This may be why the FBI/CIA started torturing me via back implants in 1990, though I think there was an alternate goal which was to introduce me to muscle relaxers and opioids. This was done, it seems deliberately, to many people in my circle, and of my generation. I had no interest in taking heroin, so they (corporate financed, medical malfeasance FBI/CIA) made me a “chronic pain patient” – which they also did to Kurt Cobain and many others. This kind of thing seems so insanely evil it may be hard for some people to believe but it’s really just normal operating procedure in this lucrative (for someone) living nightmare.
With regards to honeytraps, I’m putting together is a picture where there is a lot of movement with key individuals, including lots of traveling to Europe and elsewhere. Mike Payne went to Europe/UK and Southeast Asia at least three times in the late 1980s. Erika Schlaeger was traveling in Europe and South America. Courtney Love was in Europe/UK and Guam, maybe other places. These same individuals also travelled frequently within the Untied States. Where did all the traveling money come from, and what, exactly, were they doing on these trips? Were they collecting and distributing finance? Were they brokering deals? Were they peddling malfeasance and murder?
There are other weird coincidences. I’ve talked about the matching jailbait honeytraps – Courtney (aimed at Chris) and “George” (aimed at me) both of whom were linked to Erika Schlaeger in Minneapolis. But my daughter was also honey trapped beginning in 2018 by a guy she met in Washington D.C. while she was doing an internship. This was a very nasty and traumatic thing that was done to her. This man (who lied a lot) had grown up (he said) in Hollywood, Florida (near Miami). During that period of time my daughter had been placed in housing on the George Washington university campus and her building was called The Dakota (about five blocks from the White House, it looks like). That’s a link to (John and Yoko and) Courtney Love and Erika Schlaeger. I say it’s a link to Erika Schlaeger because in the 1980s there was an old hotel in Minneapolis called the Dakota with a dark bar downstairs that Erika liked to frequent. I say it’s a link to Courtney Love because she wrote a song called “20 Years In The Dakota.”

This is really hard to write about because it is so infuriating as a mother that they did this to my daughter, even after I was actively trying to address this issue, warn my daughter, etc. These occult creep-stars have a million different ways to kidnap, lie, exploit, betray, harm, and murder, and Courtney Love is at the forefront of a tremendous amount of this, representing, I think, global corporate finance and entertainment industry interests, all while being backed by the FBI and CIA.
This brings me back to why there was this plan to promote, then destroy Kurt Cobain. I have to guess it was for a few reasons. First, there’s the occult. It could be a very old thing done with modern technology, as I suspect what was done to Bret Bowman was a very old thing done with modern technology. But the practical reason may have been to essentially capture everyone involved in the crime, especially Kurt and Courtney. Kurt Cobain was likely chosen for a number of reasons, including his talent, his location, his background (family ties, butterflies) – and possibly also because he was not fully on board with the program of destruction aimed at me and Chris Newman, thus he was a strategic elimination. By involving Courtney Love in all of this, it makes her very invested in not having the truth revealed. And there’s been a ton of energy put into hiding the truth. Even the so-called “justice for Kurt” movement is part of the hiding of truth, because it presents a scenario that isn’t even close to what happened.
When I look at what happened to Bret Bowman and what happened to Kurt Cobain as matched atrocities, what I see are the same players, basically. At the very least, you see that people involved in each scenario were adjacent to each other, but I honestly see signs of Courtney’s tracks in both events. When Bret was hit by the car on June 27,1988 while high on LSD, he was on his way to the Country Fair in Oregon. In my mind, the Country Fair is linked to Rozz Rezabek, because he went every year, and to Courtney Love adjacent hippies (the Ken Kesey crowd). And Bret was going to meet Scott Gear who worked for Sub Pop either at that time or right after that. Also, as I’ve mentioned, the day Bret was hit was the last day of the monthly Sub Pop Sundays showcase, held this time on a Monday. It’s not clear who played that day, but the previous month it had been the Derelicts and the month before that, Nirvana (April 24, 1988). Before Nirvana it was Doll Squad, and the month before that, Snow Bud and the Flower People (February 28, 1988).
Bret had been hit in Crescent City, California which is where my daughter’s father lived. I can tell that Courtney Love is a malfeasance link to my daughter’s father’s family, and I know that the children in that family have been subjected to trauma based mind control attacks and abuse (because that is really what trauma based mind control is – repeated abuse, at a multigenerational level, applied with intent of molding a slave/prostitute/warrior personality) and I have reason to suspect that Courtney’s father Hank Harrison is behind some of it and I’ll say why that is. It has to do with the comment he made on the Nick Broomfield movie Kurt and Courtney about setting a pitbull after teenage Courtney. I don’t know if that really happened to Courtney (I sort of doubt it) – but it did happen to one of my daughter’s cousins, a cousin that grew up in Oregon and who seems to have been very involved in making false reports to the FBI. These are Native Americans being systematically molested, abused, and exploited by corporate forces, the FBI, and the CIA.
Like I said, Courtney doesn’t really care about her butterfly warriors. She cares about power, money, and keeping the truth buried. And she cares about getting kills. Backed by corporate greed and medical malfeasance, she really has weaponized the FBI and CIA as a killing machine.
And also, as I’ve said, not just Courtney, but a lot of people would rather it not be known that they knew about, participated in, or profited from the take down of Kurt Cobain. That’s one reason there is such a focus right now on taking me down. The other reasons have to do with the thefts and fraud around Chris Newman, who’s estate I inherited. Chris’ true story interferes with the myth of Sub Pop, among others.
So much of this is written right into the songs themselves. Cobain’s song, “Opinion” which he bravely played on KAOS with Calvin Johnson loudly crunching some food as Cobain introduces the song, for example. Sub Pop had been a subscription service – starting with a cassette zine and by 1990, singles – something everyone who comments on this song pretends not to notice – but that’s par for the course.
Congratulations, you have (won/one)
It’s a year’s subscription of bad puns
And a makeshift story of concern
And to set it up before it burns
My opinions. Mmm hmmm (4x)
And there seems to be a problem here
And the state of emotion seems too clear
Now they rise and fall like wall street stock
And they have an affect on our peace talk
Our opinions….